
Saturday, December 9, 2017

12/11 SF Japan Consulate Protest-Stop The Restarting of NUKES In Japan And Defend The Families Of Fukushima | No Nukes Action Committee

12/11 SF Japan Consulate Protest-Stop The Restarting of NUKES In Japan And Defend The Families Of Fukushima
Monday December 11, 2017 3:00 PM
San Francisco Japanese Consulate
275 Battery St./California St.
San Francisco
Despite the continuing radiation from the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe the Japanese Abe government continues to restart other nuclear plants in Japan. They are also preparing for a major earthquake that might kill over 200,000 people. The restarting of Japanese plants is a threat to the world. Another major earthquake in Japan could not only destroy Japan but also contaminate the entire world with nuclear radiation. No Nukes Action Committee has been organizing since the Fukushima meltdowns to defend the people of Fukushima and Japan and demanding that the Japanese Abe government stop the continued work to push nuclear power in Japan. The government is denying the growing thyroid cancer epidemic dangers and are pressuring the people of Japan to remain silent and accept their contamination. The Japanese Abe government has also said to the Olympics committee and the world that the Fukushima nuclear disaster has been overcome and Fukushima has been “decontaminated” This is a lie and propaganda. They have also said that you can “overcome” radiation. At the same time they have passed a secrecy law and conspiracy law that will be used against journalists and whistleblowers who are exposing the continued dangers at Fukushima.

They are also seeking to militarize and prepare for a new war with the introduction of nuclear weapons in Japan and in Okinawa where the government continues to build US military bases in preparation for a war against North Korea and China.

The militarization of Asia is the expansion of nuclear plants and nuclear weapons and we must speak out to stop these dangers and defend the people of Fukushima.
Speak Out and Rally initiated by
No Nukes Action Committee
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12/11 SF Japan Consulate Protest-Stop The Restarting of NUKES In Japan And Defend The Families Of Fukushima | No Nukes Action Committee

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