
Saturday, November 25, 2017

#Fukushima: A million tonnes of radioactive water still in storage after nuclear disaster – Fukushima 311 Watchdogs

To dump into the ocean a million tonnes of radioactive water should be considered by the international community a crime against humanity and an ecocide against the environment. Whatever they say, whatever they lied, it will never be totally decontaminated and it will never be safe, no matter how many shills on the mainstream media are paid by the nuclear lobby to spin fairy tales in order to brainwash the public about ‘safety’.

… Japan cannot agree on what to do with a million tonnes of radioactive water being stored at the destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant — and there is a chance it could spill if another major earthquake or tsunami were to strike.

The water is being stored in about 900 large and densely packed tanks at the plant, which was overwhelmed by a devastating tsunami more than six years ago.Making matters worse, the amount of contaminated water held at Fukushima is still growing by 150 tons a day.

The stalemate is rooted in a fundamental conflict between science and human nature.Experts advising the government have urged a gradual release of the water to the nearby Pacific Ocean. Treatment has removed all the radioactive elements except tritium, which they say is safe in small amounts.

Conversely, if the tanks break, their contents could slosh out in an uncontrolled way.Local fishermen are balking — they say the water, no matter how clean, has a dirty image for consumers …

more: Fukushima: A million tonnes of radioactive water still in storage after nuclear disaster – Fukushima 311 Watchdogs 

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