
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

June 17 :: NO! US-Japan Nuclear Energy Cooperation Agreement 日米原子力協定反対デモ (Facebook event page)

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World is co-organizing a contingent to oppose the extension of the US-Japan Nuclear Energy Cooperation Agreement, and join the Women’s March to Ban the Bomb in NYC on June 17, 2017. 

The Women’s March to Ban the Bomb ( will meet at the Bryant Park around noon, and march to the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza by 4PM, so we are hoping that we meet on the steps of the NY Public Library at 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue at 11:45AM, and march together with signs and banners opposing the extension of US-Japan Nuclear Energy Cooperation Agreement. We hope that many of you can join us. 

Regarding the US-Japan Agreement, it is about to mature in July 2018, andwill be automatically extended unless one of the countries notifies the other country six months prior to the termination date. At this time, it is very likely that the treaty will be extended.

Why do we need to oppose the US-Japan Nuclear Cooperation Treaty? Why the treaty is related to Ban the Bomb?

more: (Facebook event page) NO! US-Japan Nuclear Energy Cooperation Agreement 日米原子力協定反対デモ

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