
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

5/11/17 SF Japan Consulate Speak-out-Evacuate The Families and Children Of Fukushima And Stop The Cover-up | No Nukes Action Committee

Thursday May, 11, 2017 3:00 PM
San Francisco Japanese Consulate
275 Battery St./California St.
San Francisco
The continuing danger of radioactive contamination  at Fukushima is a threat not only to the people of Fukushima and Japan but the world. There are thousands of contaminated water tanks surrounding the broken nuclear plants and the government continues to push to re-open the plant. The cases of thyroid cancer area also growing and the government issuing the secrecy laws to prevent information about the continuing escalation of cancer cases throughout the country.
The drive for more nuclear power is now combined with the drive by the Abe administration to eliminate article 9 of the Japanese constitution which prevents offensive war. The escalation toward war in Asia and the building of more US military bases in Okinawa despite mass opposition of the population.
The Japanese Abe  government has  cut off money for housing benefits for the families while  it is spending billions of dollars to “decontaminate Fukushima” at  to build Henoko naval base and a new military airforce base in Okinawa. The bases will contain nuclear weapons which are not not supposed to be brought to Okinawa.
We call for the defense of the families in Fukushima and continued compensation by TEPCO.
Please join us on May 11, 2017 at the Japanese consulate at 3:00 PM and speak out.Speak Out and Rally initiated by
No Nukes Action Committee

5/11/17 SF Japan Consulate Speak-out-Evacuate The Families and Children Of Fukushima And Stop The Cover-up | No Nukes Action Committee 

1 comment:

  1. This exceptional activist group is one of the most dedicated and knowledgeable around. They are shining examples of what it means to be activists in seeing an issue through. They stand against restarting nuclear power in Japan after the Fukushima disaster, and they stand against nuclear weaponry and nuclear power plants all over the world. Headed by Chizu, Steve, and Dan, they are wonderful and intelligent activists getting the message out. Join their montonhly rallies in front of the Japanese Consulate on the 11th of every month, starting at 3:00.
