
Saturday, February 25, 2017

#Fukushima311 :: SF Rally on Saturday March 11 at Japanese Consulate | 3.12 Berkeley Forum "Kindle A Light on The Darkness of Our Time – Militarization, Racism and Nuclear Dangers"

6th Anniversary of Fukushima – Bay Area Action "Defend The Children & Families • Stop Restart of Japanese Nuclear Plants"

• 3.11.17 6th Anniversary Of Fukushima – SPEAK OUT & RALLYSaturday, March 11, 2017; 3:00 PM; Japanese Consulate, 275 Battery St. near California St., SF

• 3.12.17 Berkeley Forum (Free) "Kindle A Light on The Darkness of Our Time – Militarization, Racism and Nuclear Dangers"Sunday, March 12, 1:30 PM Berkeley Public Central Library, Community Room 3rd floor, 2090 Kittredge St (at Shattuck), Berkeley 

– The crisis and dangers of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe continues unabated. While the Abe government has said the crisis is over, the nuclear plants continue to leak radioactive material. They still cannot locate all the melted radioactive rods from Fukushima unit 2 where there was estimated radiation of 650 Sieverts per hour according to noise analysis of the images transmitted by the robot before its camera went dark near the melted core. There also is radioactive material in the other two meltdowns that continues to be a threat.

The Abe government is demanding that mothers and their families return to Fukushima or their subsidies will be eliminated. They are still being subjected to continued government harassment and mental stress. On March 11, 2017, we need to stand with the mothers and their children and demand that they not be forced by the Abe government to return to Fukushima. They have also launched an international petition to oppose the forced relocation to Fukushima.

At the same time, the Abe government is intent on crushing all political opposition with a secrecy law, which has already been passed and a “conspiracy law” that would jail journalists and any investigators of the continued nuclear dangers if the government charged they had conspired to release information about the dangers of nuclear plants. This is completely connected with the drive towards war in Asia as the Abe government pushes for a new military base in Henoko, Okinawa, despite the massive opposition of the people of Okinawa.

It is time to speak out on the 6th anniversary of Fukushima, and unite with the people of Japan who by a vast majority are opposed and want to stop nuclear power and nuclear weapons worldwide. Please contact No Nukes Action if your organiza- tion would like to endorse and speak. It is time to raise our VOICES.

SPONSORS : Earth Gathering, No Nukes Action, CO-SPONSOR: Miho Kim lee of Eclipse Rising
For more information : 415-282-1908

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