
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

11/11 SF Japan Consulate Speak-out-Evacuate The Families and Children of Fukushima and Stop The Cover-up | No Nukes Action Committee

Friday November 11, 2016 3:00 PM
275 Battery St./California St.
San Francisco
On November 11, 2016 there will be a speak out at the Japanese consulate to call for the immediate evacuation of the children and families of Fukushima. The Abe government which now runs TEPCO continues to cover-up the dangers of radiation and is also still attempting to restart Japan’s nuclear power plants. The Abe government has told the people of Japan and the world that the Fukushima crisis has been overcome and there is nothing to worry about despite the fact that radioactive material continues to contaminate the area and the Pacifica ocean.
The Japanese people are growing increasingly angry at the lies and also the massive costs of containing the crisis and the tens of thousands of bags of contaminated waste as well as the thousands of tanks of contaminated water.
Even NHK has been running programs about the unbridled costs of the 7,000 workers which are still employed at the plant to keep it “under control”
The people of Japan need to know that American people stand with them in defending the people of Fukushima and also opposing any restarting of the nuclear plants.
Speak Out and Rally initiated by
No Nukes Action Committee
– related articles –
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October 24, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)
Japan Abe’s Lies and Cover-up -Car wash septic tanks emerge as radiation threat in Fukushima “companies that install the septic tanks know about the radiation problem, they couldn’t go public about it for fear of losing customers.”
Car wash septic tanks emerge as radiation threat in Fukushima
KYODO  NOV 6, 2016
written by NNA member Steve Zeltzer

11/11 SF Japan Consulate Speak-out-Evacuate The Families and Children of Fukushima and Stop The Cover-up | No Nukes Action Committee

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