
Monday, September 26, 2016

Pregnant! Avoid the Nuclear Power Plants!

When speaking of the dangers of nuclear power plants, most people think of incidents in which radioactivity is released, or they think of large reactor accidents such as Windscale, Chernobyl and Harrisburg. It is less known, though, that everyday normal operations of nuclear facilities and their “tolerable emissions” already are a threat. The closer children live to a nuclear power plant, the higher is their risk of developing cancer. The until now most elaborate study on this issue from 2007 (LINK & SUMMARY) verified that without doubt. But it had no consequences: Instead, supporters of nuclear power strive to conceal the proven link between cancer and nuclear power plants. In this issue, its grave results and discussions about them are described.

more: Pregnant! Avoid the Nuclear Power Plants!

whats up: #BustTheMyth – nukes are NOT carbon-free, clean, safe, green, or affordable!

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