
Saturday, April 30, 2016

#‎NuclearIsDirty‬: MAY 2 NIRS WEBINAR: “Chernobyl +30: A Look from the Inside, with Lucas Hixson”

Join us for our next #NuclearIsDirty series webinar on Monday, May 2 at 2pm Eastern. We will get an inside view on the impacts and ongoing mitigation efforts at Chernobyl.

Lucas recently traveled to Ukraine and spent time with people who work at the Chernobyl reactor site today, 30 years since the consequential release of radioactivity from this site began. He will take us from the moment reactor Unit 4 failed on April 26, the aftermath, and the ongoing mitigation work, up to his own recent experiences living with today’s workers at the site of one of the largest man-made radioactive releases on the planet. Chernobyl today.
Luke will share his insights about the radiological impacts and consequences that could reframe our understanding of major reactor accidents.

UPDATE – video of the Webinar: #NuclearIsDirty: Chernobyl 30 -- A Look from the Inside, with Lucas Hixson - YouTube

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