
Saturday, April 2, 2016

City of Cambridge agrees to divest US $1 Billion | No Nukes Netherlands

Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA) Mayor Denise Simmons announced today that the Cambridge City Council has unanimously decided to divest their city pension fund from nuclear weapons production. This effectively removes US$ 1 billion from possible investment in the companies most heavily involved in producing and upgrading nuclear weapons.
Mayor Simmons said “It’s my hope that this will inspire other municipalities, companies and individuals to look at their investments and make similar moves”.  Engaging local officials to oppose nuclear weapons has always been an effective tool to raise awareness of nuclear dangers, and build widespread support to ban and eliminate them.
The announcement was made at an MIT conference on reducing the dangers of nuclear war, where the Future of Life Institute (FLI) launched a divestment campaign against upgrading nuclear arsenals. “If you want to slow the nuclear arms race, then put your money where your mouth is and don’t bank on the bomb!”, said physicist Stephen Hawking, a FLI scientific advisory board member...

more: City of Cambridge agrees to divest US $1 Billion - No Nukes Netherlands

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