
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A somber 30th anniversary – Chernobyl’s legacy | CleanEnergy Footprints

The 30th anniversary of the devastating accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in the former Soviet Union in the town of Pripyat is not something to celebrate, especially given that the site is still struggling with properly containing the destroyed Unit 4 reactor that exploded on that fateful day. This anniversary date is especially somber given that the populaces here in the West were told that our reactor designs couldn’t suffer such a fate, which was proven false just five years ago when a GE reactor design used here in the U.S. also experienced a triple reactor meltdown at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear facility in Japan.

more: A somber 30th anniversary – Chernobyl’s legacy | CleanEnergy Footprints 

includes these links:

  • A look at the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in numbers” in the Washington Post. Such as, More than 2 billion euros ($2.25 billion): The amount of money being spent by an internationally funded project to build a long-term shelter over the building containing Chernobyl’s exploded reactor.

  • 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Chernobyl” by Greenpeace International’s Celine Mergan in EcoWatch. For instance, did you know that Chernobyl caused what the United Nations has called “the greatest environmental catastrophe in the history of humanity.”

  • 30 Ways Chernobyl and Dying Nuke Industry Threaten Our Survival” by Harvey Wasserman in EcoWatch.
  • Register here for the next #NuclearIsDirty series webinar from the Nuclear Information Resource Service (NIRS): “Chernobyl +30: A Look from the Inside, with Lucas Hixson” on Monday, May 2 at 2pm Eastern – get an inside view on the impacts and ongoing mitigation efforts at Chernobyl.

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