
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

#NuclearIsDirty | GreenWorld | NIRS

From the beginning of the nuclear fuel chain exemplified here by Australia’s Ranger uranium mine, to the end of the chain characterized by lethal radioactive waste with no scientifically-defensible storage method, nuclear energy is dirty energy.

NIRS is launching a new campaign today, called #NuclearIsDirty. Over the next twelve weeks, we will be rolling it out through a series of online events, publications, and social media forums. #NuclearIsDirty is a forum to inform the public of the real environmental impacts of nuclear power, from the mining of uranium and production of reactor fuel, all the way through to the long-term storage and management of radioactive waste.
The rollout series will follow the story of that nuclear fuel chain, combining technical information with testimony from real people whose communities are affected. As you know from our commentary and advocacy in the pages of GreenWorld, NIRS is committed to a nuclear-free, carbon-free world, and strong action on global warming and climate justice. We believe the transition to 100% renewable energy is not just possible, it is necessary.
The human and environmental costs of nuclear power are not abstract... 

more: #NuclearIsDirty | GreenWorld

Nuclear is Dirty: By all rights, nuclear power is on its way out. And that is thanks to the actions of thousands of activists like you, all across the country. Last week's fifth anniversary of the ongoing Fukushima Dai-Ichi disaster was the warning; this week's kick-off of NIRS' #NuclearIsDIrty! campaign is the answer.

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