
Saturday, February 27, 2016

311 :: Never Again - events | Wise International

Planned events in 2016 for the commemoration of Chernobyl & Fukushima. This are not (all) events that are organised by WISE international. If you would like your event in this list, please get in touch with us. 

January 28      UK

Special Parliamentary seminar co-organised by Nuclear Free Local AuthoritiesNuclear Consulting Group & Green Cross InternationalUK Energy Policy - Late Lessons from Chernobyl, Early Warnings from Fukushima.

March 7          Austria

Publication and presentation of the updated version of Ian Fairlie’s "The Other Report on Chernobyl" in Vienna - effects of radiation, real figures rather than IAEA. The report will be published by Global 2000.

March 12        Belgium

Demonstration in Antwerp. Organised by the 113beweging, Stop Nucléaire, WISE, Curieus, BBLv, Groen Antwerpen, sp.a Antwerpen and PVDA Antwerpen. More information.

March 13        Netherlands

Hope Step Japan in Amsterdam – manifestation to remember Fukushima.

March 17        UK, London   

'Beyond Nuclear' – CHER30BYL FUKU5HIMA*: a meeting for MPs and the public organised by Japanese Against Nuclear UK, Kick Nuclear and London Region CND.

March 18        UK, Manchester        

'Beyond Nuclear' – CHER30BYL FUKU5HIMA*: meeting hosted by Nuclear Free Local Authorities on the impacts of Chernobyl and Fukushima, for councillors, council officials, MPs and MEPs.  

March 19        UK, Manchester                    

'Beyond Nuclear' – CHER30BYL FUKU5HIMA*: conference on the health and environmental effects of the world’s worst nuclear disasters and ways to create renewable and de-centralised energy solutions.

March 20        UK, Manchester                    

'Beyond Nuclear' – CHER30BYL FUKU5HIMA*: a campaigners day organised by GM CND, SERA & CCP-UK.
*'Beyond Nuclear' – CHER30BYL FUKU5HIMA: Full details of these events, info about accommodation venues, and transport, plus registration forms can be found at: / /  

March 21        Switzerland                

Nuclear phase-out Congress 2016,  Zürich.

March 22        Japan                  

March 22        Belgium

9h30 -12h00: FUKUSHIMA's event in the European Parliament in Brussels (TBC).

March 22-23   Belgium         

13h00-18h00 and 9h00-18h00 Aarhus Convention and Nuclear Roundtable conference organized by  NCCLI and the EC "Emergency Preparedness and Response to nuclear accidental and post-accidental situations (EP&R)”, Brussels.      

April 5           Czech Republic

From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Prague. The objective of the international conference NEC 2016 “Nuclear Energy – Expensive Gamble” is to discuss, in the presence of international and Czech experts, precisely these economic aspects of the nuclear power industry, which condition its future.

April 18-24    Austria                       

A seminar with eyewitness (liquidator) Natalya Tereshchenko and Lydia Baidalinova as translator (who was cured through our charity project) in Vienna. Organised by Global 2000.

April 21           Austria           

Charity Concert in Wiener Rathaus Festsaal with an ensemble of the Vienna Philharmoniker. Organised by Global 2000.

April 25           Austria

Candle Action at the central Stephansplatz in Vienna. Organised by Global 2000.

April 25           Netherlands   

Action at Urenco, Almelo (tbc).

August             Austria                       

Handing over a petition to the Austrian foreign minister to change the statutes of the IAEA. Organised by Global 2000. 

check for updates at: Never Again - events | Wise International

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