
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

2.11 Great Lakes Nuclear Hot Spots: How Safe Are We? -- NEIS quarterly meeting

Thu, February 11, 7pm – 9pm
Lutheran Church of the Ascension, 460 Sunset Ridge Road, Northfield, IL
Video call
Join meeting: neis (
Created by
N E I S  C O M M U N I T Y  O U T R E A C H  E V E N T
an evening to share information, build community & take action

This is the first in a quarterly series of NEIS sponsored events open to the members and general public

Thursday,February 11, 2016
7:00 – 9:00pm
What is the state of nuclear power and nuclear waste in the Great Lakes region, especially Lake Michigan?
What are the threats to our drinking water and our health?
NEIS will tell you what we have learned and actions we are taking.
Find out what you can do!

NEIS Members: this meeting is for YOU!
Please bring friends and colleagues. Help spread the word!

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