
Friday, January 22, 2016

the 26th of April appeal :: 5th ann. FUKUSHIMA, 30th ann. CHERNOBYL

The year 2016 should be the year of awareness of the population. The 11th of March 2016 will be the day of commemoration, 5 years after the beginning of the Fukushima disaster, and the 26th of April, 30 years after the beginning of the Chernobyl disaster. Everywhere in the world, those dates will be celebrated in commemoration. It is not acceptable that the nuclear lobby should decide what to think, what to spread, what to say and what to write!

From today onwards, we : artists, journalists,teachers, photographers, musicians, actors, librarians, street artists, scientists, dancers, researchers, documentary film makers, circus artists, poets, cinema or theatre managers, festival organisers, politicians, activists and concerned citizens, will start working to enable the insurrection of consciences against the contaminated future. We will produce, come up with or welcome public readings, seminars, academic seminars, shows, conferences, exhibitions, screenings, dances, carnivals...

more: Brut de béton > Accueil

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