
Monday, January 18, 2016

Researchers: No doubt cleanup at Fukushima nuclear plant contaminated rice crops in 2013 - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

...In 2013, rice crops from areas of Minami-Soma were found with unexpectedly high radioactivity levels more than two years after the triple meltdown at the nuclear plant located 20 kilometers south of the city.
One theory was that highly radioactive substances were dispersed when workers were lifting and removing contaminated rubble at the Fukushima plant on Aug. 19 that year. Two workers at the plant were exposed to high doses of radiation during the cleanup process.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said the cause of the contaminated rice was “unknown” although it acknowledged “the possibility of the dispersal of contaminated dust.” The farm ministry discontinued its investigation without specifying the source of the contamination.
The NRA, however, said the contaminated rice was not related to the cleanup work at the nuclear plant.
The Minami-Soma city assembly expressed outrage over the NRA’s stance. Some in the city suspected the NRA of a cover-up...

complete article: Researchers: No doubt cleanup at Fukushima nuclear plant contaminated rice crops in 2013 - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

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