
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Global Day of Action, March 11, 2016 – "Fukushima: 5 Years of Fire" | Wake Up World

... Calling a Day of Global Action, March 11, 2016
If nuclear energy has taught us one thing, it is that a single spark can start a fire that has generational effects. It’s time we light a new fire, and create the kind of future we’d be proud for our grandchildren to inherit. So let’s gather in numbers and show them we’re serious.
Protests are done to inform people and instigate change, and must have a clear, single issue of importance. Hence,
“We demand that nuclear government and corporations of the world take legitimate and urgent action to end the ongoing disaster at Fukushima.”
Arguably the Fukushima event is the biggest environmental disaster (and subsequent cover up) in human history, by nuclear institutions with a record of lies and official cover-ups unlike any other. Little genuine effort has been made to contain the disaster, radiation monitoring mechanisms were disabled by authorities following the initial meltdown, laws were implemented to quell reporting of the disaster, and government-prescribed “safe” radiation limits were lifted, apparently to accommodate the new “normal” radiation levels. Meanwhile, oceanic and atmospheric radiation pollution levels are still rising — with untold environmental effects — and are currently expected to continue increasing at least until 2018...

complete: Fukushima: 5 Years of Fire – Global Day of Action, March 11, 2016 | Wake Up World

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