
Thursday, December 3, 2015

International Appeal Against India-Japan Nuclear Agreement | C.A.N. Coalition Against Nukes

We strongly protest the proposed India-Japan nuclear agreement, which is reportedly going to be signed during your upcoming visit to New Delhi on December 11-13. This nuclear agreement does not only represent an unacceptable zeal to promote nuclear lobbies on the part of Mr. Abe, despite the deepening crisis in Fukushima, but also gives a new lease of life to the nuclear industry facing a terminal crisis in the post-Fukushima world.
Even as renewable and sustainable energy sources are becoming more efficient and cheaper year after year, the global nuclear industry is using countries like India to compensate for their losses. India has become a playground for multinational vendors like Areva, GE, Westinghouse, Atomsroyexport, Hitachi, Toshiba and Mitsubishi despite the non-violent and long-standing protests launched by communities near proposed nuclear reactors as a result of the serious threats to their lives and livelihoods. By attempting to sell nuclear reactors to India, Japan will be undermining the democratic right of people to shape their immediate environment and a future for themselves and their descendants...

more / SIGN: International Appeal Against India-Japan Nuclear Agreement | C.A.N. Coalition Against Nukes


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