
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Complaint Filed Against French State Utility EDF- #COP21 Sponsor for False Advertising

Video published on Oct 22, 2013 - members of the public show EDF & govt what they think of nuclear energy policy in the UK and their proposed Hinkley C reactors.

DECEMBER 1, 2015: Based on translation of Sortir du Nucléaire press release, with our additional commentary in brackets:
Greenwashing for COP21: EDF lies will not save the climate!
At the approach of COP21 French State owned EDF, official sponsor of that event, launched a big publicity campaign to present itself as the “Official Partner of a Low Carbon World”. The campaign glorifies their electricity production, which they allege is 98% CO2 free, due to nuclear power. 
To denounce this false advertising, the “Sortir du nucléaire” [Nuclear Exit] Network filed a complaint before the Advertising Ethics Jury and brought a civil liability suit against EDF before the Tribunal de grande instance of Pari [Paris Tribunal-Court]
EDF is not a “Low Carbon World Partner”!
In the context of the COP 21 world climate conference, being held in Paris [30 Nov to 11 Dec. 2015], EDF is trying to present itself as a virtuous player in the fight against climate change. 
In reality, EDF operates 16 coal plants and is ranked the 19th worst greenhouse gas emitter in the world! EDF pretends to act “all over where [it] is present” for carbon free electricity. How can one not to be scandalized by that affirmation, when one knows that EDF’s world emissions represent 80 million tonnes of CO2 per year? [1]
EDF is lying: its electricity is not “98% CO2-free”!

MORE: Complaint Filed Against French State Utility EDF-Climate Conference Sponsor for False...

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