
Monday, August 3, 2015

Final Clean Power Plan Drops Support for Existing Nuclear Plants

The final version of President Obama’s Clean Power Plan does not include aid to existing nuclear power plants at risk of closing because they can’t compete with cheaper natural gas and renewables—a list that includes some of the nation’s most controversial reactors, including Indian Point and Three Mile Island.
In the draft version, EPA had proposed allowing states to count 6 percent of existing nuclear generation toward their clean energy goals, a provision designed to rescue the 6 percent of nuclear capacity considered at risk.
“On further consideration, we believe it is inappropriate to base the BSER (Best System of Emission Reduction) on elements that will not reduce CO2 emissions from affected electric generating units below current levels,” EPA states in the final rule...

more: Final Clean Power Plan Drops Support for Existing Nuclear Plants

see also: New Nuclear Power Seen as Big Winner in Obama’s Clean Power Plan - Bloomberg Business

whats up: #BustTheMyth
you can't nuke global warming!

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