
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Don't Nuke the Climate!

Don't Nuke the Climate!

Today, seven international clean energy organizations launched a major new campaign in support of a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system and to prevent nuclear power from being considered as a climate solution when the world's governments meet at the COP 21 conference in Paris in December 2015.

A press release announcing the campaign is available here.

The groups are organizing a large and highly visible nuclear-free, carbon-free contingent to participate and demonstrate in events in Paris, much as we did at the People's Climate March in September 2014 in New York City.

At the COP 6 conference in The Hague in 2000, we successfully kept nuclear power out of global carbon trading mechanisms. In Paris in 2015, we will keep nuclear power out of all new climate initiatives. Nuclear power is not a solution to the climate crisis--in fact, its use is counterproductive and prevents deployment of the clean energy technologies that can and will power our world cleanly, safely and affordably.

As a first step, we will be presenting the petition below to world leaders in December. 
All Organizations: please sign the petition here.

Individuals: if you are signing on behalf of yourself and not an organization, please sign the petition below and then help us spead the word.

Use the icons above to share this action page via e-mail and on social media before signing the petition. You can also send this url to your friends and colleagues:

The text of the petition is also available in FrenchSpanish, and German. But no matter your language, please sign below.
U.S campaign page is here. International campaign page is here.
The climate crisis belongs to the defining issues of our time.

In December 2015, we will join movements for climate action, sustainable energy, and environmental, gender and social justice in Paris. As a Nuclear-Free and Carbon-Free Contingent, we demand immediate action from all of the governments of the world at the COP21 Climate Conference.

Under the expiring Kyoto Protocol, nuclear energy is rightly excluded from the possible solutions available to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Yet the nuclear industry, in collaboration with certain nations, is lobbying for their dangerous and polluting technology to be seen as a climate-friendly option. This would obstruct real progress in protecting the climate.

The solutions to the climate crisis are evident and can be brought to scale through international cooperation and investment now. We must transition to an energy system that no longer depends on antiquated energy models of the 20th century and their polluting nuclear power and fossil fuel technologies, but instead rely on safe, clean, affordable and sustainable renewable energy, energy efficiency, conservation and modern grid technologies of the 21st century.

Nuclear power manifests a wide range of human rights violations, from the rights to life and health, to disproportionate impacts on indigenous peoples, women, children, and future generations. In addition, nuclear power is unacceptable because it is:

• Too dangerous: the use of nuclear power will inevitably lead to more Fukushimas and Chernobyls. The technology and materials needed to generate nuclear energy can be diverted to nuclear weapons programs. These risks remain with any new reactor designs.

• Too dirty: nuclear reactors and the nuclear fuel chain produce vast amounts of lethal radioactive waste, which grow whenever nuclear power is used. The nuclear fuel chain is responsible for far more carbon emissions than renewable energy generation and improved energy efficiency. All reactors routinely emit toxic radiation.

• Too expensive: building new reactors is the costliest means possible of reducing carbon emissions. The world’s existing reactor fleets are aging and becoming economically uncompetitive; and the continued use of nuclear power crowds out investment in clean energy sources.

• Too slow: use of nuclear power to reduce fossil fuel emissions would require an unprecedented nuclear construction program, beyond the capability of the world’s manufacturers within an acceptable time frame. Existing reactors should be phased out consistent with climate action imperatives.

All that is lacking is the political will! In Paris, we will march, demonstrate and rally to break the gridlock and show the world the necessity to leave the unsustainable path of nuclear energy now. 

Don't Nuke the Climate!

Nuclear Information and Resource Service - NIRS

"We do not support construction of new nuclear reactors as a means of addressing the climate crisis. Available renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies are faster, cheaper, safer and cleaner strategies for reducing greenhouse emissions than nuclear power."

whats up: #BustTheMyth
you can't nuke global warming!

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