
Monday, May 18, 2015

Act now: last chance to stop Exelon/Pepco merger

Act now: last chance to stop Exelon/Pepco merger

May 18, 2015

Dear Friends,

As you may have heard, the Maryland Public Service Commission Friday voted 3-2 to approve the proposed Exelon-Pepco merger. It was close--and the two Commissioners who opposed the deal wrote a detailed 32-page dissent.

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh, who also opposed the deal, has promised to explore every possibility to block it. 
While the divided PSC attached 46 separate and new conditions to the merger proposal, none appear to be deal-breakers and it is likely they will be accepted by Exelon. The entire order, with the dissent, is here.

The Maryland decision means that Washington DC is the last opportunity to stop this merger, which would be absolutely disastrous for all ratepayers in the mid-Atlantic. Fortunately, DC always has been the best opportunity to defeat it.
Act now: Tell the DC PSC and Mayor Bowser to stop this merger.

Four DC city council members publicly oppose the merger, and so do a majority of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions. Not a single ANC has acted to support it. With the recent news that Exelon ranks 22nd out of 24 major utilities in customer satisfaction, there is simply no reason for the DC Public Service Commission to approve this merger. And it only takes one jurisdiction to defeat the whole thing: we can block this in DC!

Why go from a utility that supports solar power to one that actively works to block renewables? Why go to a distant nuclear-dominated utility that is even less reliable and less consumer-oriented than Pepco? Why go to a utility whose entire business model will require it to raise electricity rates in both DC and Maryland?

If you don't want to be part of Exelon's effort to bail out its failing nuclear reactors with the money from Pepco ratepayers; if you do want to see more solar power in DC; if you want better reliability and lower rates; then take action now.
Our friends at PowerDC have made it easy. Act now: Tell the DC PSC and Mayor Bowser to stop this merger.

And please forward this Alert to everyone you know who lives or works in DC. We can stop this merger, but it will take all of us to do so.

Thanks for all you do,

Michael Mariotte
Nuclear Information and Resource Service

It's not too late to contribute to the Legacy Fund in my name. Please help us meet our final $5,000 matching grant offer by contributing as generously as you can nowand please help us spread the word about this fund to your friends and colleagues. Thank you so much. 
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