
Friday, May 29, 2015

6.7 GOODBYE NUKES | ストップ再稼働!6.7 3万人大集会in福岡

●ストップ再稼働!6.7 3万人大集会 in 福岡● ~川内原発のスイッチは押させない!~ 首都圏反原発連合も協賛団体のうちの一つ、集会でも登壇予定です。 6月最初の日曜は福岡へ!

ストップ再稼働!6.7 3万人大集会in福岡

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Lies, damned lies, and nuclear power statistics - how Moorside is so much less than it claims to be - The Ecologist

Lies, damned lies, and nuclear power statistics - how Moorside is so much less than it claims to be - The Ecologist: It's odd how often the contribution of nuclear energy is overstated, writes Neil Crumpton, by mixing up 'energy' and 'electricity', while a similar trick to understates the importance of renewables like wind and solar. Even odder is how the mistake always seems to go the same way, to make nuclear look bigger than it really is, and renewables smaller. Welcome to the nuclear 'X factor'!

Monday, May 25, 2015

China warned over 'insane' plans for new nuclear power plants | World news | The Guardian

China warned over 'insane' plans for new nuclear power plants | World news | The Guardian: He Zuoxiu, a leading Chinese scientist, says the country is not investing enough in safety controls after lifting of post-Fukushima disaster reactor ban

Monday, May 18, 2015

Act now: last chance to stop Exelon/Pepco merger

Act now: last chance to stop Exelon/Pepco merger

May 18, 2015

Dear Friends,

As you may have heard, the Maryland Public Service Commission Friday voted 3-2 to approve the proposed Exelon-Pepco merger. It was close--and the two Commissioners who opposed the deal wrote a detailed 32-page dissent.

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh, who also opposed the deal, has promised to explore every possibility to block it. 
While the divided PSC attached 46 separate and new conditions to the merger proposal, none appear to be deal-breakers and it is likely they will be accepted by Exelon. The entire order, with the dissent, is here.

The Maryland decision means that Washington DC is the last opportunity to stop this merger, which would be absolutely disastrous for all ratepayers in the mid-Atlantic. Fortunately, DC always has been the best opportunity to defeat it.
Act now: Tell the DC PSC and Mayor Bowser to stop this merger.

Four DC city council members publicly oppose the merger, and so do a majority of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions. Not a single ANC has acted to support it. With the recent news that Exelon ranks 22nd out of 24 major utilities in customer satisfaction, there is simply no reason for the DC Public Service Commission to approve this merger. And it only takes one jurisdiction to defeat the whole thing: we can block this in DC!

Why go from a utility that supports solar power to one that actively works to block renewables? Why go to a distant nuclear-dominated utility that is even less reliable and less consumer-oriented than Pepco? Why go to a utility whose entire business model will require it to raise electricity rates in both DC and Maryland?

If you don't want to be part of Exelon's effort to bail out its failing nuclear reactors with the money from Pepco ratepayers; if you do want to see more solar power in DC; if you want better reliability and lower rates; then take action now.
Our friends at PowerDC have made it easy. Act now: Tell the DC PSC and Mayor Bowser to stop this merger.

And please forward this Alert to everyone you know who lives or works in DC. We can stop this merger, but it will take all of us to do so.

Thanks for all you do,

Michael Mariotte
Nuclear Information and Resource Service

It's not too late to contribute to the Legacy Fund in my name. Please help us meet our final $5,000 matching grant offer by contributing as generously as you can nowand please help us spread the word about this fund to your friends and colleagues. Thank you so much. 
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New York: Act now to stop bail out of Ginna reactor

New York: Act now to stop bail out of Ginna reactor

Friday, May 15, 2015

New York City Council enters debate over Indian Point reactors | NIRS PRESS RELEASES

May 14, 2015. New York City Council enters debate over Indian Point reactors; resolution introduced to close and decommission reactors 35 miles from Manhattan. Press release from NIRS and three other organizations.

NYC Council Enters Debate over Troubled Nuclear Plant, Activists Celebrate Historic Action to Protect 8.5 Million NY'ers
– Transformer Explosion, Shutdowns Underline Safety, Reliability Problems

New York, NY: Just days after an explosion and fire disabled the Indian Point Unit 3 nuclear reactor, the New York City Council joined the debate on whether the plant should be permanently closed. Dozens of city residents and environmental groups attended today’s Council meeting, praising Councilmember Donovan Richards and council leaders for introducing a resolution calling for Indian Point to be shut down and decommissioned. If adopted, the measure would mark a sharp break with former Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s policies, joining the political weight of the nation’s largest city to the efforts of state officials to see the plant closed...


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Stop the mining of radioactive uranium in the Grand Canyon! | SumOfUs

This summer, millions will stop to take in the stunning views and breathtaking natural beauty of Grand Canyon National Park. With its stunning topography and dazzling, majestic landscape, this geological marvel is one of the natural wonders of the world. But this year, unlike the past 20 years, visitors will be within miles of operational radioactive uranium sites.
An old uranium mine six miles from the Grand Canyon's south rim will resume operations in June, one of four operational uranium mines surrounding the park.
Uranium mining is toxic and radioactive. In 2012, the Secretary of the Interior issued a 20-year ban on new uranium claims on more than a million acres of public lands adjacent to Grand Canyon, but this doesn't prevent decades-old mines from reopening.
Tell the US government to keep the Grand Canyon and surrounding area free from radioactive contamination -- close the uranium mines threatening the region.
Already the mines are responsible for blowing radioactive dust around the area and contaminating springs and wells. Once they are back in full operation, they could create environmental damage that will last for generations—and all just to capitalize from a temporary window of profit in the erratic uranium market.
Tell the US Government to end the unnecessary and unsafe extraction in the Grand Canyon. Close the uranium mines -- now. 
According to reports, uranium mining has already contaminated groundwater in the region. Reopening the mines will threaten the Colorado River basin, used by more than 40 million people for clean, safe water. One mine is positioned directly on top of groundwater basins that provide the Havasupai people, an Indigenous community with generations-long ties to the land, with their sole source of drinking water. A massive public outcry can stop this plan -- but we have to act fast to make a difference.
Already 124,000 SumOfUs members have spoken out against the commercialization of the Grand Canyon and have even come together to force PNC Bank to stop investing in another disastrous extraction industry -- mountaintop removal. If we get enough public attention we can stop this terrible plan in its tracks.
There is no reason to mine uranium when there are so many cleaner energy alternatives at our disposal. It's time to stop this uneconomic, unsafe, unsustainable and unnecessary project -- it's time to protect this sacred land and natural treasure.
Tell the US government to close the uranium mines threatening the Grand Canyon region-- now.

More Information:
Background on Uranium Mining -- Grand Canyon Trust, 2015
Why Protecting the Grand Canyon Watershed Matters -- National Geographic, April 29, 2015
Saving The Grand Canyon -- American Rivers, 2015

SIGN NOW – Stop the mining of radioactive uranium in the Grand Canyon! | SumOfUs

Monday, May 11, 2015

Nuclear Is NOT a Low-Carbon Source of Energy Washington's Blog

Even well-known, well-intentioned scientists sometimes push bad ideas. For example, well-known scientists considered pouring soot over the Arctic in the 1970s to help melt the ice – in order to prevent another ice age. That would have been stupid. Even Obama’s top science adviser – John Holdren – warned in the 1970′s of a new ice age … and is open to shooting soot into the upper atmosphere. That might be equally stupid.

In other words, scientists – even prominent ones – sometimes fall prey to hairball theories and dangerous proposals. (Remember, doctors used to bleed patients to remove the “bad humors”.)
Similarly, some scientists are under the mistaken impression that nuclear power is virtually carbon-free, and thus must be pushed to prevent runaway global warming. (If you don’t believe in global warming, then this essay is not aimed at you … although you might wish to forward it to those who do.)
But this is a myth...
more: Nuclear Is NOT a Low-Carbon Source of Energy | Washington's Blog

whats up: #BustTheMyth
you can't nuke global warming!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

#BustTheMyth – #RE_TOOL NOW !!! New Study: 95% Renewable Power-Mix Cheaper Than Nuclear And Gas

The cost to the consumer of the 100 % renewable scenario is more or less equal to a scenario close to today’s, with only 40 % renewables, a new French government study shows.
Something remarkable is taking place that is bound to lead to a deep reshaping of the energy debate, starting in Europe and North America. It used to be the visionaries and the NGOs who talked about a 100 % renewable future, but now leading number-crunchers and energy experts are joining the chorus. In California, the government energy regulator were recently quoted saying that California’s power grid could handle 100 % renewables.
The city of Vancouver is an example of a big city that recently committed to run 100 % on renewables for power, heating and transportation within 20 years. New studies have been released showing the US can get to 100 % renewables by 2050, at marginal extra cost.

more: New Study: 95% Renewable Power-Mix Cheaper Than Nuclear And Gas | CleanTechnica

whats up: #BustTheMyth
you can't nuke global warming!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Radioactive and Short on Cash to Pay for Closures - Bloomberg Business

...82 of the 117 U.S. nuclear power plants, including seven in the process of shutting down, don’t have enough cash on hand to close safely, according to NRC records. And closing tends to cost more than operators expect. Based on NRC filings, the actual combined cost may be somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 billion -- $43 billion more than the current balance of the trust funds...

Radioactive and Short on Cash to Pay for Closures - Bloomberg Business

whats up: #BustTheMyth
you can't nuke global warming!

 :: NUKES CAN BE NO SOLUTION TO CLIMATE-CHANGE – they are NOT carbon-free clean safe green or affordable!

The Forgotten History of Small Nuclear Reactors - IEEE Spectrum

Economics killed small nuclear power plants in the past—and probably will keep doing so...

The Forgotten History of Small Nuclear Reactors - IEEE Spectrum

5.9 Malibu, CA: Is Malibu Ready For A Diablo Canyon Meltdown?

Malibu is downwind from California's last operating nuclear power plant. Hear from Top No Nukes Experts Harvey Wasserman, Linda Seeley & Paul Frey. Learn about actions the Malibu community must take to avert a catastrophic meltdown. It's up to us. We can make a difference - but we must act without delay. 

***Harvey Wasserman helped coin the phrase “No Nukes” at his organic communal farm in western Masschusetts in 1973. That community defeated double reactors planned nearby, and Harvey has been fighting for a safe “Solartopian” future ever since. Arrested at Diablo Canyon in 1984, he spoke to 350,000 semi-conscious rock fans at Woodstock 2 a decade later. He has authored, co-authored or introduced 18 books along the way, and teaches history and diversity at two Ohio colleges. He hosts the Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Show at and He is dedicated to shutting down as many nukes as possible as soon as possible, with Diablo at the top of the list.

***Linda Linda Seeley is Vice-President and Spokesperson for San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, the legal intervenor in all matters pertaining to the safety and licensing of Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in Avila Beach, CA. She also serves on the Executive Committee of the Santa Lucia Sierra Club and is a Core Team member of the national Sierra Club Nuclear Free Campaign. Linda is an advanced facilitator of Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects, group practices to guide us through the current world crisis without going crazy. She has lived in San Luis Obispo for 32 years, where she delivered over a thousand babies during her career as a nurse-midwife. Her passion for the future generations is the guiding principle in her work to shut down Diablo Canyon.

****Paul Frey is current president and winemaker at Frey Organic Winery. He studied physics at UCSC in the 1980's and will present his examination of the environmental and economic impact of a possible catastrophic nuclear meltdown at PG&E's aging Diablo Canyon nuclear plant.

****Donna Gilmore, , founder of, was one of the activists at ground zero involved in the permanent shutdown of the San Onofre nuclear power plant. She has redirected her efforts to study the risks of the tons of nuclear waste stored at San Onofre and elsewhere and has become a key resource on this issue. The critical technical issues she raised to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regarding the inferior dry storage technology are currently unresolved. Gilmore was a speaker at the 2014 NRC Annual Spent Fuel Management Conference, the 2015 California Energy Commission Nuclear Workshop and is currently a party in the CPUC San Onofre Decommissioning proceedings. Publications: High Burnup Nuclear Fuel – Pushing the Safety Envelope (co-authored with nuclear physicist Dr. Marvin Resnikoff), Diablo Canyon: Conditions for Stress Corrosion Cracking in Two Years, and San Onofre Dry Cask Storage Issues and Nuclear Waste Storage Myths. She has over 30 years experience in systems analysis and IT project management, designed and implemented major California technology systems and managed a large engineering data center.

This event is the second in the Malibu Democratic Club's Second Saturday Speakers Series.

(facebook) Is Malibu Ready For A Diablo Canyon Meltdown?