
Monday, April 20, 2015

4.24-26 NYC: International Conference & April 26 Mobilization | Peace & Planet

International Peace & Planet Conference a Nuclear-Free, Peaceful, Just, and Sustainable WorldApril 24-25, New York City
The International Peace & Planet Conference, to be held on the eve of the NPT Review Conference, is being organized on the basis of five themes:
  • Nuclear weapons abolition
  • Move the money (cutting military spending to prevent wars and fund essential human needs);
  • Climate change and environmental justice;
  • The new era of global military tensions and wars; and
  • Racism and militarism.
Through plenaries and workshops, the Conference Program will serve to share information and analyses, build and further integrate our movements for the longer term, and increase our impact on the NPT Review Conference. In addition to the five themes, a youth track is being organized.
International Conference | Peace & Planet

Schedule for April 26 Mobilization, New York City
11am-12:30pm: Interfaith Convocation for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (Tillman Chapel of the Church Center at the United Nations, 777 First Avenue)
1amRally (East 17th St, between Park Avenue South and Broadway New York, NY 10003)
The Global Wave action will begin in NYC and move westward to cities and capitals around the world.2pm: March (Beginning at Union Square North. The route will be posted soon)
3pm-6pm: Peace Festival (Dag Hammarskjold Plaza East 47th Street, 2nd Ave New York, NY 10017).
4pm: Presentation of millions of petition signatures calling for the total ban and eliminations of nuclear weapons to Ambassador Taous Feroukhi and United Nations High Representative for Disarmament AffairsAngela Kane
Let our numbers be so large that our voices are certain to be heard inside the UN and around the world!
2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the United States atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It also marks 45 years since the first five nuclear powers agreed in Article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to undertake good faith negotiations for the elimination of their nuclear arsenals.
On April 26, the day before the 2015 NPT Review Conference begins, we will gather by the thousands in New York City for an international rally and march to the United Nations. Activists from around the world – including over a thousand from Japan, as well as Hibakusha (survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) – will make our demands for a nuclear-free, peaceful, just, and sustainable world.
With our numbers, speeches, music, banners, chants, hope, creativity, and humor we’ll impact the diplomats and political leaders in New York for the NPT Review Conference and build and reinforce our movements. Recognizing the interconnected human and moral imperatives of abolishing nuclear weapons, ending and preventing wars, ensuring economic and social justice, achieving racial equity and the demilitarization of police, and addressing climate change and environmental degradation, we are committed to exploring the linkages in order to build broader, more issue-integrated movements for the long term.
more info and links: April 26 Mobilization | Peace & Planet

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