
Monday, March 16, 2015

Washington State, Act now: nuclear power is not "renewable" | NIRS

Washington State, Act now: nuclear power is not "renewable"

March 14, 2015 (updated and corrected)

The Washington State Senate this week passed several bills to bolster nuclear power in the state, especially "small modular reactors" that don't exist in reality and that have not been approved by the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The most egregious bills are is S.5089 and 5090, sponsored by Republican Sen. Sharon Brown. They would redefine the state's Renewable Energy Standard to include nuclear power--a technology that is in no way "renewable" or clean. These bills are currently in the Senate Rules Committee waiting further action.

In the meantime several other bills have passed the Senate and are now in the House, including S 5091, which would "would add nuclear to the energy sources that electric utilities offer to customers who volunteer to buy green power," while S 5113 would require the state department of commerce coordinate siting and manufacturing of nuclear plants, S 5114 would give tax breaks to companies in the small modular reactor industry, and S 5093 would set up establish a curriculum using the American Nuclear Society to “support programs that will educate Washington students in nuclear energy and the necessary role that it will play in meeting clean energy needs.”

Take action below: Tell the Washington House to reject these measures and urge Governor Inslee to veto them if they reach his desk.

Notes: you must have a Washington State address to participate in this action. Please share this action page on Facebook, Twitter and the like using the icons above before sending your e-mails.

SIGN NOW > Washington State, Act now: nuclear power is not "renewable"

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