
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The 2015 Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures (SANE) Act - Needs Support! | Tri-Valley CAREs

At Tri-Valley CAREs we appreciate all you do to help achieve a more peaceful, just and nuclear weapons free world. Today, we offer you a concrete opportunity to move the government in that direction by cutting the budget for nuclear weapons. Here's how...

As you know from our e-alerts, President Obama's recent budget request contains a double-digit increase for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and squanders billions on new nuclear weapons programs.

Right now, Congress is beginning the legislative process to decide what the actual budget for nuclear weapons will be. This is where you and your Senators and Representative enter the picture...

This month, companion bills will be introduced in the House and Senate that would save $100 billion over the next ten years by making targeted reductions to U.S nuclear weapons and the NNSA nuclear weapons complex. Both bills are called the Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures (SANE) Act.

Are your Senators cosponsors yet? How about your Representative?

Current Senate SANE Act cosponsors are: Ed Markey, Jeff Merkley and Bernie Sanders.

Current House SANE Act cosponsors are: Earl Blumenauer, John Conyers, Donna Edwards, Sam Farr, Raul Grijalva, Barbara Lee, Jim McGovern, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Jared Polis, Louise Slaughter, Jackie Speier.

If your members of Congress are on the list, call and tell them "thank you". If not, call your representatives and ask them to cosponsor the SANE Act. In the Senate, ask them to contact Sen. Ed Markey to sign up. In the House, ask them to contact Rep. Earl Blumenauer to sign up as a cosponsor.

The Capitol Switchboard is: (202) 224-3121. Call as soon as possible.

more: Tri-Valley CAREs

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