
Monday, March 9, 2015

Jim Blankenhorn's Radioactive Banana - YouTube

nukes are not safe! - period. (comparing bananas to [man-made nuclear isotopes & industrial fallout] is "like comparing a stick of dynamite to an atomic bomb")

Published on Mar 9, 2015 by Myla Reson
– Army Brigadier General James A. Blankenhorn works for civilian contractor Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC as the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Recovery Manager and Deputy Project Manager. The video "Jim Blankenhorn's Radioactive Banana" begins with an excerpt from the Thursday, March 5, 2015 WIPP townhall meeting held in the City of Carlsbad, New Mexico during which General Blankenhorn downplays the adverse consequences of ionizing radiation and blurs the lines between natural, background, and man-made radiation. Once again we hear about one of the standard components in the nuclear village's favorite list of false equivalencies - radioactive bananas - being trotted out in yet another WIPP dog and pony show.

Next Physicians for Social Responsibility Senior Scientist Steven Starr demystifies the significance of potassium-40 and eating bananas. Starr delivered his presentation on March 11, 2013 during the Helen Caldicott Foundation symposium titled "The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident"

The video concludes with brief comments from journalist Harvey Wasserman recorded at a March 11, 2014 Fukushima remembrance event in Laguna Beach, California.

Special thanks to EON3 for the recording of Harvey Wasserman at his talk on 3.11.2014:

Watch Harvey's full talk here:

Watch Steven Starr's full talk here:

Thanks for watching!

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