
Sunday, March 1, 2015

3.15 Virginians gather at Dominion HQ's to remember Fukushima and protest against a 3rd nuclear reactor at North Anna on the fault line!

2/16/15 Not on Our Fault Line press conference ~ Officially kicking off our campaign to STOP North Anna 3!
David Martin photo

Please join us ~
Wed. March 11, 2015 from 7:30am-10:00am. 
We will be participating in the global day of action ~ Commemorating the 4th year of the ongoing nuclear disaster in Fukushima and protesting against Dominion's plan to build a 3rd nuclear reactor at North Anna on the fault line.

8:30am ~Vigil for the victims of Fukushima in plain view of Dominion Executives as they drive into work.
(will we be the next victims?)
10:00am ~ Moment of silence for the victims of Fukushima, followed by a brief memorial tribute and press conference.

Our State & Federal government is placing us at enormous risk!
Even with the past nuclear disasters (TMI, Chernobyl and the ongoing/uncontrollable disaster in Fukushima spreading radiation all over the world), nothing has stopped VA Dominion Power from moving forward with a plan for another reactor at North Anna.

Please contact Governor McAuliffe:.
Say NO to a 3rd nuclear reactor ~ We need safe renewable energy sources NOW!

3/11/15 Virginians gather at Dominion HQ's to remember Fukushima and protest against a 3rd nuclear reactor at North Anna on the fault line!

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