
Sunday, March 1, 2015

3.11 Worldwide Emergency Action To Stop Japanese Abe Government Release Of Radioactive Water Into Pacific | No Nukes Action Committee

3/11/15 Emergency Action Worldwide To Stop Japanese Abe Government Release Of Radioactive Water Into Pacific Emergency Action On Wednesday March 11 At All Japanese Consulates And Embassies The No Nukes Action Committee And Fukushima Response are calling for emergency demonstrations and rallies at all Japanese Consulates and Embassies throughout the world on March 11, 2015, the fourth anniversary of the nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima. The Japanese Abe government has ordered the release of thousands of tons of highly radioactive contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean threatening the health and safety of people and the environment throughout the Pacific Rim. Please contact us with your plans and video tape your actions at Japanese consulates throughout the world. We need to put the Abe administration on notice that this release of radioactive water into the Pacifica is opposed by people throughout the world.

Petition To Stop Release Of Radioactive Water From Fukushima Into Pacific Ocean
– written by NNA member Steve Zeltzer

3/11/15 Emergency Action Worldwide To Stop Japanese Abe Government Release Of Radioactive Water Into Pacific | No Nukes Action Committee


  1. Replies
    1. have you checked out The #OcNukeDaily?

      #OccupyNuclear #OcNuke :)
