
Monday, February 9, 2015

Help Us Build a Different Nuclear Legacy

February 9, 2015
Dear NIRS Supporter,
We are trying something new this year. NIRS is launching our first crowdfunding campaign. And there couldn't be a better time and purpose. In the next ten weeks, we are going to give you every reason we can think of to support a very special project. We are calling it the Legacy Fund.
Usually, when you hear NIRS talk about "legacies" and nuclear power, it's about something we are trying to stop: the deadly, million-year problem of nuclear waste, and the radioactive burden we are passing on to future generations.
But, now we need your help to fight for a positive kind of legacy -- one that embodies our movement's bold and visionary mission, and our ability to fulfill it.
You may be aware that our longtime leader and current President, Michael Mariotte, is struggling with pancreatic cancer. What you may not know is that he has had a hand in most of the anti-nuclear movement's major campaigns and victories over the last three decades.
Check out our new short video, which highlights just a few of them, on our Michael Mariotte Legacy Fund page here--and share it with your friends.

It's an incredible legacy for one activist, but as Michael says himself--he is inspired and empowered by and truly works for the thousands of mostly unsung activists and ordinary people like you, who give their own time, energy, and voices to the fight for a safe, sustainable energy future. Michael's legacy is really all of ours, and we need to protect it and build on it... 


The Michael Mariotte Legacy Fund

Nuclear Information and Resource Service - NIRS
No Nukes Nirs on facebook

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