
Friday, January 23, 2015

Freeze our Fukushimas - Four years later, NRC rejects Beyond Nuclear and 10,000 co-petitioners' call to close Fukushima-style reactors | Beyond Nuclear

After nearly four years of behind closed doors deliberations, on January 15, 2015, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued its “Final Director’s Decision” rejecting the April 13, 2011 emergency enforcement petition filed by Beyond Nuclear along with more than 10,000 co-petitioners from around the country. The public emergency enforcement petition called for the immediate suspension of the continued operation of the General Electric Mark I boiling water reactors in the U.S. that are identical to Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors units 1, 2 and 3 that exploded and melted down following the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

more: Beyond Nuclear - Freeze our Fukushimas - Four years later, NRC rejects Beyond Nuclear and 10,000 co-petitioners' call to close Fukushima-style reactors

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