
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

1.22 Santa Cruz, CA Event With Chieko Shiina And Christine Hong | No Nukes Action Committee

1/22/15 Report In Berkeley  from Fukushima by Chieko Shiina And Korea And The Militarization of Asia With Christine J. Hong
Thursday Jan 22, 2015 at 7 pm, Music at 6:30 PM
612 Ocean St.
Santa Cruz, C
Sponsored by No Nukes Action Committee, Santa Cruz Peace and Freedom Party
Chieko Shiina, an anti-nuclear activist and organic farmer from Fukushima and Christine J. Hong, a professor at UCSC who has focused on the militarization in the Korean Peninsula will be speaking about the continuing danger or radioactive contamination at Fukushima and the growing militarization, repression and moves toward war in the Korean peninsula and Asia.
The contamination of the people of Fukushima and Japan continues. Children and families are getting sick. There is a growing epidemic of thyroid cysts and surgeries. The statistics are being covered up by the Japanese government. Additionally, Shunichi Tanaka, the chairman of the Nuclear Regulation Authority is preparing to release thousands of tons of contaminated radioactive water into the Pacific ocean.
This will be lethal to life in the oceans! It will reach California and the entire Pacific rim. The Abe government in power is continuing to tell the Japanese people that they can “overcome” radiation, and that they can de-contaminate Fukushima. Chieko Shiina is an anti-nuclear activist in Fukushima who has been fighting to get emergency healthcare to the residents. They are organizing against the restart of Japan’s remaining 50 nuclear plants, which the Abe government wants to restart.
The SF Bay Area “No Nukes Action Committee” has been campaigning to protect the people of Fukushima and Japan, and to keep other Japanese nuclear plants closed. The Committee also opposes all nuclear plants, including the PG&E operated Diablo Canyon nuclear plant on the Pacific coast over earthquake faults and near San Louis Obispo.
Also the growing repression and militarization in Korea and Asia threatens all people in the region. Professor Christine Hong will discuss these issues including the Jeju base, the repression of journalists and the crushing of opposition parties. The Korean government is also building nuclear plants in the country despite the opposition of the local communities.
There will also be an update on the struggle to close the Diablo Canyon Nulcear plant run by PG&E.
Suggested Donation $5 – 10 No one turned away for lack of funds!
Sponsored by No Nuke Action Committee
Endorsed by
Peace and Freedom Party Santa Cruz And other organizations
For more information call (831) 688-8692

1/22/15 Santa Cruz Event With Chieko Shiina And Christine Hong | No Nukes Action Committee

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