
Monday, October 20, 2014

11.2 SEA Pulse films presents A2-B-C the true story of Fukushima now

SEA Pulse films will feature a new extraordinary award-winning documentary film, called A2-B-C (directed by Ian Thomas Ash), which focuses on the health effects many children in Fukushima, Japan are experiencing in the aftermath of the radiation exposures from the March 2011 triple nuclear meltdown. The film shows radiation hot spots in school yards, thyroid cysts diagnosis, radiation detectors on children’s backpacks, and government officials and even doctors who do not seem to care.

We believe that this is not just a problem for Japan. We believe that this is the world’s problem. With another nuclear accident likely happen in our future, we must to know what is to be expected when the nuclear industry cuts corners, regulators protect profits over people, and governments hide the facts and refuse to admit mistakes were made. This film will be followed by a small panel discussion and Q&A with audience. We are planning to have the director, Ian Thomas Ash to be Skype or phone to join the discussion!

Additional bonus features are Virtual Reality Underwater Experience film using 360 Heros and Oculus Rift (head-mounted display kit) created by the NOGI 2014 award-winner, Bill Macdonald, and a short film from Dolphin Dance Project followed by a live dance performance.

Wine and light Vegan lunch will be served. We kindly ask you to bring your own fork and cup to reduce trash.

日本語 English subtitles


$20 Online
Buy tickets HERE:
$15 Group Discount for 5 or more people at the door (MUST RSVP to to reserve your seats)
$25 Regular price at the door with no RSVP

SEA Pulse films event website:

A2-B-C website:

Virtual Reality Underwater Experience film (Please go to this link and move the cursor in the screen while the movie is playing to see different angles.):

Dolphin Project website:

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