
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Why Nukes Can't Save the Climate. Reason #10: A Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Energy System is Safer, Cleaner, Cheaper and Faster at Reducing Carbon Emissions


If we could meet our electricity needs without radioactive waste, nuclear meltdowns, releases of carbon and methane and all the other environmental destruction associated with extraction of nuclear and fossil fuels from the Earth, why wouldn’t we? Just a few years ago, solar and wind power weren’t competitive with nuclear power or fossil fuels. Now, both are usually cheaper than the polluting power choices. It is increasingly affordable for homeowners to install solar power plants on their rooftops—a new solar rooftop system is installed in the U.S. every 4 minutes, a number that will drop to every 90 seconds by 2016.

Smart grids, distributed generation and other 21st century technologies enable the large-scale use of renewables despite their variable nature. And advances in battery and other storage technologies mean that both rooftop solar and larger-scale renewable power plants can provide power 24/7—just like the behemoth nuclear and coal “baseload” power plants of the 20th century.
Numerous studies show conclusively that a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system is attainable before mid-century. The technology is not the issue; only political will now stands in the way. Our choice is stark: we can choose nuclear power, or we can address global warming. We can’t do both. Fortunately, the choice is an easy one.

Make history: Join us in NYC on September 21, 2014.

People's Climate March Hub:

Resources, flyers, info:

SIGN UP: Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent to People's Climate March

Why We Are Marching: Statement of the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent; pdf version for downloading/printing

Endorsers of Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent. We now have 120+ organizational endorsers! To endorse, send your name, organization name, city, state, country (if outside U.S.) to Individuals: Endorse the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent here.

Take Action: Tell EPA to take nuclear support out of its carbon rules.

Press release announcing Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent, August 4, 2014. pdf.

DIY: Mobilize for the People's Climate March, Nuclear Free Carbon-Free Contingent! How-to guide from NIRS! in pdf format

--- Flyers: Why Nukes Can't Save the Climate:
[visit to find these] -

Reason #1. Too Many Reactors, Not Enough Carbon Emissions pdf version (best for downloading and printing). jpg version (best for posting online). Word version (take out NIRS contact info and add your group's info).

Reason #2. Nuclear power costs too much. pdf version (best for downloading and printing). jpg version (best for posting online). Word version (take out NIRS contact info and add your group's info).

Reason #3. Nuclear Power would take too long. pdf version (best for downloading and printing). jpg version (best for posting online). Word version (take out NIRS contact info and add your group's info).

Reason #4. New Reactor Designs: Too Slow, No Demand. pdf version (best for downloading and printing). jpg version (best for posting online). Word version (take out NIRS contact info and add your group's info).

Reason #5. Too Much Radioactive Waste. pdf version (best for downloading and printing). jpg version (best for posting online). Word version (take out NIRS contact info and add your group's info).

Reason #6. Too Little Safety. pdf version (best for downloading and printing). jpg version (best for posting online). Word version (take out NIRS contact info and add your group's info). -- MORE TO COME!

Reason #7. Too Many Nuclear Weapons. Operation of the 1,500 or more new reactors necessary for nuclear power to play a meaningful role in reducing carbon emissions would require a dozen or more new uranium enrichment plants, and would result in the production of thousands of tons of plutonium (each reactor produces about 500 pounds of plutonium per year), posing untenable nuclear proliferation threats.

Reason #8. Nukes are not carbon-free. pdf version (best for downloading and printing). jpg version (best for posting online). Word version (take out NIRS contact info and add your group's info).

Unlike solar power, nuclear power does not work well in warming climates. Reactors require vast quantities of water to keep the core cool; changes in water levels, and even water temperatures, can greatly affect reactor operations. Reactors in the U.S. and elsewhere have been forced to close during heat waves, when they’re needed the most. Ever-stronger storms, like Hurricane Sandy, also threaten to inundate both coastal and inland reactors. More frequent tornados, ice storms and related loss-of-power accidents, and other indicators of climate change also imperil reactors. The Fukushima accident was caused primarily by loss-of-power, not direct damage from the tsunami or earthquake. Rising sea levels threaten coastal reactors with flooding even without mega-storms.

Reason #10: A Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Energy System Is Safer, Cleaner, Cheaper And Faster At Reducing Carbon Emissions
If we could meet our electricity needs without radioactive waste, nuclear meltdowns, releases of carbon and methane and all the other environmental destruction associated with extraction of nuclear and fossil fuels from the Earth, why wouldn’t we? Just a few years ago, solar and wind power weren’t competitive with nuclear power or fossil fuels. Now, both are usually cheaper than the polluting power choices. It is increasingly affordable for homeowners to install solar power plants on their rooftops—a new solar rooftop system is installed in the U.S. every 4 minutes, a number that will drop to every 90 seconds by 2016.
Smart grids, distributed generation and other 21st century technologies enable the large-scale use of renewables despite their variable nature. And advances in battery and other storage technologies mean that both rooftop solar and larger-scale renewable power plants can provide power 24/7—just like the behemoth nuclear and coal “baseload” power plants of the 20th century.
Numerous studies show conclusively that a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system is attainable before mid-century. The technology is not the issue; only political will now stands in the way. Our choice is stark: we can choose nuclear power, or we can address global warming. We can’t do both. Fortunately, the choice is an easy one.

--- Background Reading

Briefing Paper: Nuclear Energy is Dirty Energy (and does not fit in a clean energy standard). Revised and updated, July 2014. pdf

Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free: Links to studies showing different pathways to a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system by mid-century--if not sooner.

If not nuclear power, what? NIRS' Michael Mariotte on DailyKos, June 27, 2012.

Top 10 Reasons Nuclear Power Won't Save the Climate. NIRS' Michael Mariotte on DailyKos, August 18, 2009 (and still valid).

--- Join us online:

People's Climate March Hub:

Facebook Groups Page:

Tumblr Page:

Join the e-mail listserv:!forum/nfcf-climate-march

Nuclear Information and Resource Service - NIRS

see also:

whats up: reasons nukes can't save the planet | 9.21 PEOPLES CLIMATE MARCH, NYC: nuclear-free, carbon-free contingent

(all the memes on one page)

whats up: #BustTheMyth
you can't nuke global warming!

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