
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tell Chairman Macfarlane: Shut down Diablo Canyon! | Friends of the Earth

This week, the Associated Press revealed that the nuclear reactors at Diablo Canyon are surrounded by faults capable of causing an earthquake far larger than they were designed to withstand. There is no way that the NRC should allow these reactors to continue to operate given this new information.

Demand that Chairman Macfarlane put peoples' safety ahead of profits and shut down Diablo Canyon!


find a second petition here: Petition | Please Decommission the aging Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant until it can be Earthquake Tested. |

▶ Diablo Canyon On Shaky Ground ~ Tell Allison Macfarlane to Shut It Down - YouTube

[VIDEO] -- Link Here to Sign Petition Here: This week, the Associated Press revealed that the nuclear reactors at Diablo Canyon are surrounded by faults capable of causing an earthquake far larger than they were designed to withstand. There is no way that the NRC should allow these reactors to continue to operate given this new information.

Demand that Chairman Macfarlane put peoples' safety ahead of profits and shut down Diablo Canyon!

Danger at Diablo Canyon ~ Last California Nuclear Plant Standing
Sitting on top of SEVERAL FAULT LINES. Holding Tons of nuclear fuel waste with no place to put the waste.
Mothers for Peace Spokeswoman Linda Seeley explains the many risks posed to California by the continued operation of PG&E's aged two-unit Diablo Canyon nuclear plant near San Luis Obispo, and why, like San Onofre was recently, it should be shutdown permanently - NOW.
This is another in the 'Preview Interview' series from the forthcoming EON documentary SHUTDOWN: The Case of San Onofre - "The Nuclear Free California Movement Rides Again."
The facility operated with some emergency systems disabled for nearly 18 months! Independent journalist Leuren Moret, a trained geophysicist who authored a 2004 Japan Times article predicting that an earthquake would lead to nuclear disaster in Japan, said it's "crazy" to allow Diablo Canyon to continue operating in the seismically active region, which is at the edge of the same tectonic plate that caused the Japan earthquake.
2011~Concerns about the seismic safety at the nuclear power plant were raised during a hearing of the California Legislature's Utilities and Commerce Committee. They were also raised in a letter sent to nuclear regulators by the state's U.S. senators.
Published on Jul 30, 2013 Thank you to eon3

"Roughly 424,000 live within 50 miles of the Diablo Canyon and 7.4 million live within 50 miles of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station," senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein wrote in the letter to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

NEED TO KNOW | Double fault: Nuclear safety at Diablo Canyon | PBS
Could a Fukushima-style disaster happen at one of California's nuclear power plants? The Diablo Canyon nuclear plant is near two California fault lines, and at least one critic, a Republican state senator, is questioning whether the utility that owns the plant, PG&E, is doing all it needs to to ensure that it can safely withstand the kind of earthquake some seismologists believe is possible. Need to Know airs Fridays on PBS. Watch full-length episodes of Need to Know at
Double fault: Nuclear safety at Diablo Canyon
July 15, 2011
On Wednesday, a special task force assigned by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission released its findings about the preparedness of American nuclear plants, the NRC's role and whether the agency should make additional improvements to its regulatory systems. The task force was formed in response to the Fukushima disaster in Japan. After four months of study, the group announced twelve recommendations including the call to strengthen oversight of plant safety. According to one California legislator, a place that might benefit from that suggestion is a small town in his district with a potentially big problem.

Rachel Maddow exposes the economics and safety record of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in California. March 22, 2011.

Shaky seismic history at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Video
In these clip from the 1986 film "A Question of Power" (directed by David L. Brown) we see how PG&E and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ignored earthquake dangers at the Diablo Canyon site, costing ratepayers billions of extra dollars. Help stop this from happening again.

Seismic Threat at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Video
Rochelle Becker of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility tells the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that they must wait for PG&E to complete new seismic studies at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant required by California law before allowing the plant to relicensed for 20 additional years.

Shut Down Diablo
musical call to shut down Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant & all those in earthquake-prone downloadable at

Diablo Nuclear Power Plant DISASTER - - next Fukushima

--- #petitiion: Tell Chairman Macfarlane: Shut down Diablo Canyon!

This week, the Associated Press revealed that the nuclear reactors at Diablo Canyon are surrounded by faults capable of causing an earthquake far larger than they were designed to withstand. There is no way that the NRC should allow these reactors to continue to operate given this new information.

Demand that Chairman Macfarlane put peoples' safety ahead of profits and shut down Diablo Canyon!
via Friends of the Earth International / Friends of the Earth U.S.

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