
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Nuclear power stations cause childhood leukemia - and here's the proof - The Ecologist

Controversy has been raging for decades over the link between nuclear power stations and childhood leukemia. But as with tobacco and lung cancer, it's all about hiding the truth, writes Ian Fairlie. Combining data from four countries shows, with high statistical significance, that radioactive releases from nuclear plants are the cause of the excess leukemia cases.

I can think of no other area of toxicology (eg asbestos, lead, smoking) with so many studies, and with such clear associations as those between nuclear power plants and child leukemias.
In March 2014, my article on increased rates of childhood leukemias near nuclear power plants (NPPs) was published in theJournal of Environmental Radioactivity (JENR).
A previous post discussed the making of the article and its high readership: this post describes its content in layman's terms.
Before we start, some background is necessary to grasp the new report's significance. Many readers may be unaware that increased childhood leukemias near NPPs have been a contentious issue for several decades...

more: Nuclear power stations cause childhood leukemia - and here's the proof - The Ecologist

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