
Monday, July 28, 2014

Take nuclear power support out of EPA's Clean Power Plan! Submit your comments now! Plus: People's Climate March--Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free outpouring

July 28, 2014

To all NIRS supporters,

As you surely know, the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a new rule to reduce carbon emissions from electric power plants.

As proposed, the rule includes unnecessary and counterproductive support for existing and uneconomic reactors and provides encouragement for construction of new nuclear reactors as well.

These provisions must be removed from the final rule. Your action is essential to achieve this goal.

Please submit your comments to the EPA, urging it to remove all support for nuclear power from the final version of its Clean Power Plan.

If you'd like more background on the proposal, 
please see our July 16, 2014 letter here.

Please feel free to add your own comments and concerns to the sample comment language provided (
some additional talking points are available here in pdf format).

Everyone everywhere can take part in this action. Because your comments may be posted by the EPA online, please do not include your phone number or street address.

There is plenty of time to comment--the deadline is October 16, 2014. We ask that you comment now, and use the remaining time to share this letter (you can find a shareable copy of this letter, and every NIRS Alert, on this page: and the action page with your friends and colleagues, and organize in your communities to encourage the largest possible outpouring of comments on this critical proposal.

Please note we do not oppose the EPA's proposal overall. Carbon reductions from power plants are absolutely necessary. We wish the proposal were stronger in the carbon reductions and renewables areas, and the nuclear sections certainly must go, but this proposal could be an important step toward achieving a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system. It certainly goes further than the U.S. Congress has been willing or able to go.
So, please tell the EPA now: take all support for nuclear power out of its Clean Power Plan.

The EPA is holding public meetings on its proposal tomorrow and Wednesday in Washington, DC, Atlanta and Denver, and in Pittsburgh Thursday and Friday. 
Exact locations and other information are available at the EPA website here. The Sierra Club is sponsoring rallies at each location.And don't forget our separate petition with Credo Action on this issue here. If you haven't signed it yet, please do so now, and please help spread the word about this petition too. More than 11,000 people have signed it so far; we will be hand-delivering all the signatures to the EPA before the end of the comment period.

We also will be preparing much more extensive comments for organizational sign-ons in the next few weeks.


Planning is zooming ahead for the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent to the People's Climate March September 21 in New York City. We expect a very large outpouring of people for the march generally and for the anti-nuclear contingent especially.

If you are within a day's drive of NYC, we hope you are planning to attend. We also encourage you to organize and mobilize in your communities, and encourage people to become "bus captains" to arrange bus transportation for your community. Please note that there is financial support available for such buses. Contact for more information, or download a bus captain kit here.

Here are several web links that will be useful:

New Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent page on NIRS' website, with resources, materials and other information being updated frequently:

Facebook Groups page for the contingent. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to join this growing group and to post your local information to help with outreach efforts:

Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent hub page on People's Climate March website:

E-mail Listserv for the Contingent!forum/nfcf-climate-march

We encourage you to share these links widely.


We don't normally put "please donate" in bold and caps; we don't really like asking for money at all. But funds are necessary to keep NIRS operating and to keep our campaigns going. It's summer, it's the doldrums, people understandably have other things on their minds. But our bills don't stop coming in, and the need for funding thus doesn't stop either. If you believe NIRS' work is helping you, if you believe that NIRS is standing up and taking action for what you believe in, then we ask you to please support us financially now. And if you don't believe that, please send me an e-mail at and let me know how we're letting you down. We'll do our best to address your concerns.You can make a tax-deductible donation to NIRS here. Or you can send a check to NIRS, 6930 Carroll Avenue, #340, Takoma Park, MD 20912.

If you're going to the People's Climate March, you probably will want to carry a flag or sign. And if you can't go, maybe you'd like to make it possible for someone else to carry a flag or sign. If you'd prefer, 
you can make a tax-deductible donation on our Climate March page here--all funds collected through this page will be used entirely on materials for the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent to the march. A flag only costs $10 to print, and even less when we can print them in volume! Your contribution will go a long way.

Thanks for all you do. 
Please take action now. It's important.
Michael Mariotte
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Stay Informed:

NIRS on the web
GreenWorld: (NIRS' daily blog chronicling nuclear issues and the transition to a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system)

NIRS on Facebook:

NIRS on Twitter:!/nirsnet

whats up: #BustTheMyth
you can't nuke global warming!

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