
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Uranium payments privacy, Saskatchewan

Uranium payments privacy Global News January 28, 2014 - YouTube

Uranium payments privacy Global News January 28, 2014
via Coalition for a Clean Green Saskatchewan

Published on Feb 1, 2014
From Global News: "In 2012, the small northern village of Pinehouse, Saskatchewan signed a deal with two uranium companies worth $200-million. A local magazine doing an investigative report on the agreement asked to see more public documents about the village's role in that deal....but the mayor refused." Link to the Global News story aired on January 28, 2014:

Legal action seeks transparency from Northern Village of Pinehouse regarding uranium contracts - Posted by Andrew Loewen on Monday, January 27th, 2014

January 27, 2014

"Plaintiffs D'Arcy Hande, Valerie Zink, and Andrew Loewen filed a statement of claim in the Court of Queen's Bench today seeking compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act on the part of Mayor Mike Natomagan of the Northern Village of Pinehouse. Mayor Natomagan has refused to release documentation requested under the Act despite the urgings of the Information and Privacy Commissioner in a public report released last November."

Read full press release:

Courting collaboration: How the uranium industry bought the Village of Pinehouse, and what residents are doing to take it back BY D'ARCY HANDE • NOV 1, 2013

Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner Gary Dickson released a Review Report on November 18, 2013 recommending that the Minister of Justice and Attorney General "consider prosecution pursuant to section 56(3) of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in respect to the refusal of the Northern Village of Pinehouse to comply with a lawful requirement of the Commissioner."

Read the report:

"Privacy Commissioner says Pinehouse remiss," Star Phoenix, November 25, 2013

"Uranium's chilling effects," The Media Coop, November 21, 2013

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