
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

3.11 三周年 反原発 三月アクション ・ 3/11 Third Year Anniversary No Nukes Action in March | No Nukes Action Committee

3.11 三周年 反原発 三月アクション
まず3/8(土)です。国際婦人の日です。” Bridge Peace Walk” アフガニスタンと福島の女達に敬意を表します。青い服を着るか青いスカーフを身に着けて参加して下さい。わたしの車にあと二人乗れます。一緒に行ける人はすぐにご連絡下さい。
on International Women’s Day
and 3rd Anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
Gather at Noon & March to the middle
for the Women of Japan and Afghanistan
On San Francisco side of bridge: meet at Bridge Plaza
Marin side: meet at the top of the stairs to East walkway
Rally on the San Francisco side after the march, around 1:30…
Join Us ! Please wear something Blue
Co-sponsored by: Code Pink, No Nukes Action Committee & Fukushima Response
For More Info on this & other 3rd Anniversary Events around the world
Berkeley, CA
March 11, at 12 noon: Please join us for a silent meditation and prayer, remembering Japan’s victims of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, on the third anniversary of the meltdowns.  Bring candles, good wishes and outdoor attire: we will convene in Civic Center Parkand form a circle on the grass.  We will speak a few words then sit silently for 20 minutes, then have a discussion.  Later, after lunch, join us at the protest/letter reading at San Francisco’s Japan Consulate at 3 pm. Contact:
時 : 3月11日、火曜日 午後3時から(4時半まで)
場所: サンフランシスコ日本領事館前(50 Fremont Street SF) 集合
BART, Embarcadero駅から歩いて2分
3時50分からMarket St をUnion Squareに向けて行進致します。
子供を守ろう! 再稼動反対! 原発廃炉!
3/11 Third Year Anniversary No Nukes Action in March
SFBay3Arimo   (click here for flyer)
SFBay3 pic
March 8, 12 noon: Bridge Walk ‐ The Golden Gate Bridge will be taken over by Code Pink, Fukushima Response, No Nukes Action and friends; on the SF side of the bridge, meet at Bridge Plaza, Marin side meets at the top of the stairs to the East walkway; from there, both march to the middle, then to SF side for a post‐walk rally. Contact:
March 11, at 12 noon: Please join us for a silent meditation and prayer, remembering Japan’s victims of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Bring candles and outdoor attire: we’ll convene in Berkeley’s Civic Center Park and form a circle on the grass. We’ll speak a few words then sit silently, until 1 pm (you can leave when you wish). After lunch, BART with us to SF’s Japan Consulate, 3 pm. Contact:
March 11, 3 pm: Protest at the Japanese Consulate, 50Fremont St., San Francisco, near Embarcadero BART. No Nukes Action and friends will speak, then read aloud a letter addressed to PM Shinzo Abe and give it to the Consul for delivery to Mr. Abe, in accord with similar actions at Japan Consulates worldwide. Then a march to Union Square for more speeches.
March 11, 7:309:35 pm: 3.11 Surviving Japan, a powerful film about the tsunami, and the Fukushima nuclear disaster’s aftermath, will be shown at AMC Van Ness 14, 1000 Van Ness Ave., SF 94109. Tickets must be purchased in advance, here:
March 13-18th, High Power, a powerful provoking short film on a nuclear power plant in India by Pradeep Indulkar. Filming includes talk by the director. Details TBA, Contact No Nukes Action or Umi Hagitani:
March 16, at 9:30 am: Reading and lecture: Cecile Pineda, 2014 Neustadt International Prize for Literature nominee and author of acclaimed Devil’s Tango: How I learned the Fukushima Step by Step, will speak about the consequences of the world’s most catastrophic industrial accident at the Breakfast Forum
hosted by the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco, 1187 Franklin Street (at Geary)

3.11 三周年 反原発 三月アクション ・ 3/11 Third Year Anniversary No Nukes Action in March | No Nukes Action Committee

see also

whats up: 3.11 Fukushima Meltdowns Third Anniversary Events and Actions Complete Listing

whats up: FUKU 3 Event Calendar :: 3rd YEAR ANNIVERSARY EVENTS WORLDWIDE

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