
Thursday, January 9, 2014

1.11 UK: London Region CND AGM, Annual Conference

10:00 Registration
10:30 Apologies. Chair's welcome and review of past year
10:50 Reports from local CND Groups in London
11:10 Discussion of current issues
11:40 Treasurer's report
11:45 Reports from the Nuclear Trains Action Group, and from the Campaign against the DESi Arms Fair
11:55 Endorsement of those standing for election as LRCND Officers and for LRCND Delegates to CND Council. Election of Ordinary Members of the LRCND Executive

12:00 Speaker: Rebecca Johnson, CND Vice President: "Ban the Bomb", followed by questions and discussion.
12:45 Announcements

12:50 Lunch

14:00 Results of the elections of Ordinary members, followed by Gary Chirardi introducing "Countering the Militarisation of Youth" program of War Resisters International.

14:10 Parallel workshops:
1) Trident Replacement, introduced by Ben Foley
2) Why nuclear power is not the answer to global warming, introduced by Ian Fairlie

15:05 Tea

15:20 Parallel workshops:
1) The anti-war movement and conscientious objection in the First World War, introduced by Neil Faulkner
2) The Middle East - opportunities and grave dangers, introduced by Sami Ramadani

16:15 Speaker: Jeremy Corbyn MP, "A nuclear-free Middle East", followed by questions and discussion

17:00 Close

The AGM is open to all members of LRCND, members of national CND and CND affiliated groups living in London, and members of London CND groups.

The Conference, from midday onwards, is open to all.

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