
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

12.22 TOKYO: 年内トドメの大抗議!!!1222 再稼働反対★国会大包囲 首都圏反原発連合

Large protest of the year finishing blow! ! ! 1222 re-running opposite ★ Diet large siege

【1222 再稼働反対★国会大包囲】首都圏反原発連合呼びかけの年内最後の大行動!一基も再稼働させない、原発ゼロの意志を国会包囲で可視化し圧力を!全国から国会議事堂に集結しよう!ツイートボタンで拡散を→
Large action of the year last call [1222 re-running opposite ★ Diet large surrounding metropolitan area] anti-nuclear coalition! The pressure visualized by the National Assembly siege does not re-running even one group, the will of the primary zero! Let's gather in the Houses of Parliament from across the country! In Tsuitobotan → the diffusion

 年内トドメの大抗議!!!1222 再稼働反対★国会大包囲 首都圏反原発連合
首都圏反原発連合首都圏反原発連合 (facebook)
Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes on Facebook (English)

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