
Thursday, October 3, 2013

We always knew that the NRC was funded by the Industry | Sierra Club Grassroots Network

Sierra Club Grassroots Network | Nuclear Free Campaign

Tuesday, Oct 1.  Members of the Nuclear Free Campaign from across the country testified at the first Nuclear Regulatory Commission hearing on "waste confidence" held in Rockville, MD.  From core team leader Diane D'Arrigo in her professional capacity as a staffer for the Nuclear Information Resource Service to Kevin Kamps, Sierra Club volunteer and Radioactive Waste Watchdog for Beyond Nuclear to Mike Carberry, core team leader from the Iowa Chapter to  Steven Sondhein, core team leader from the Tennessee Chapter to Gail Snyder, Nuclear Free Campaign member in Illinois to myself all the way from Oregon and many more, we all had a lot to say about why we have no confidence in waste confidence.

I will post my testimony in a separate post.  Feel free to add your own comments on the page as well.  We hope to drive folks to this page for examples of what they can say at the next hearings.  Today is Denver.  Due to the government shutdown, we won't know until Friday whether the California hearings will be next week.  

The NRC explained that they had a "discretionary" fund that they could use to cover this week's hearings but after that it was probable that only safety personnel might be on duty.  They said they would cancel meetings, Diane D'Arrigo asked if the meetings would be rescheduled and was given no answer.  This whole process has been a bum's rush anyway.
Kevin Kamps posted this on the no nukes y'all list and I have to share with you because he says it so well.

" a point made by an industry lobbyist (david blee, US Nuclear Infrastructure Council, towards end of public comment session)  at the Rockville mtg on oct 1st: nrc gets 90% of its funds from industry, so why does a federal govt. shutdown affect nrc in terms of these public comment meetings?! he said it in passing as a smart ass remark (as in, WE, the industry, own this agency, it's the best agency money can buy), but if we want to preserve current schedule, we could push this point, use it against them."
---kevin kamps, beyond nuclear

We always knew that the NRC was funded by the Industry. | Grassroots Network

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