
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Report/報告 for October 18,19 The Truth and Reality of Fukushima / an Educational Conference with Dr. Robert Gould, Dr. Masaki Shimoji / 教育/勉強会 『除染は果たして可能か?福島の現実と真実』下地真樹さん、Robert Gould医師を招いた教育討論会 | No Nukes Action Committee

Fukushima, Nuclear Power and  Repression With Osaka Professor Masaki Shimoji

Osaka Professor Masaki Shimoji who is the president of the Hannan University Teachers Union discusses the fight against the burning of nuclear rubble from Fukushima ordered by the Japanese government and the jailing of him and others for providing educational material about the growing dangers of radiation and contamination from the meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear reactors.

Professor Shimoji was jailed for 20 days in Osaka along with other anti-nuclear activists and he discusses the continuing repression by the Japanese government in order to prevent the Japanese people from learning about the continuing dangers from the Fukushima nuclear power plant catastrophe.

Professor Shimoji spoke in Berkeley, California on October 17, 2013 and the interpretation was by Umi Hagitani of No Nukes Action.
The criminal charges against Shimoji have been dropped but the repression continues.

For more information on his case go to:論説-エッセイ/address-to-my-students/

For more information from the No Nukes Action Committee go to:
Production of Labor Video Project
We have done it!
There were only 10 people at the Berkeley panel discussion but were 75 people at the SF conference !
Thank you, everybody, for your work!  I think both conferences were successful.
I think we had a good time together, Shimoji-san seemed happy being here.
Here are the links of IWJ Ustream
Since we did not get to show the film on conference, the subtitled version of the documentary that has been uploaded here:

Report/報告 for October 18,19 The Truth and Reality of Fukushima / an Educational Conference with Dr. Robert Gould, Dr. Masaki Shimoji / 教育/勉強会 『除染は果たして可能か?福島の現実と真実』下地真樹さん、Robert Gould医師を招いた教育討論会

No Nukes Action Committee

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