
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10.5 DEARBORN MI - Know Nukes 101: An Activist Mobilzation Conference | Alliance to Halt Fermi 3

Held on the 47th Anniversary of Fermi 1 Meltdown in Monroe, MI…

How many of you are aware that DTE wants to build a new nuclear power plant, Fermi 3, next to Fermi 2 and Fermi 1 about 40 miles from Detroit?

We have experienced meltdowns at Fermi 1 (1966, 1 reactor), Three Mile Island (1979, 1 reactor), Chernobyl (1986, 1 reactor) and Fukushima (2011, 3 reactors), we should better understand just how dangerous they are. How much more can our planet take?


Keynote Speaker Paul Gunter, Director of Beyond Nuclear’s Reactor Watchdog Project and nationally known reactor safety specialist, speaking on Fukushima, Chernobyl and radioactive isotopes in food and water.
We’ll have a discussion panel afterwards followed by breakout sessions.
Continental Breakfast & Lunch included.Lunch provided by Avalon Bakery
Registration ends at 10am
$15 early birds
$20 at the door
For any questions email:
To register for the conference by mail, download our registration form or buy tickets online.

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