
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10.19 MELBOURNE: Fukushima Is Here

Fukushima is Here | The Buzz

Fukushima Is Here. 

The huge radiation is spreading globally. The highly dangerous radiation is spreading everywhere through the air that we breathe and the worlds oceans. Fukushima is a catastrophe for the whole world, not just Japan.

Join us in Melbourne on this global day of action. People from around the world will be making giant human mural signs on their beaches.

Saturday 19th oct
Corner The Esplanade & Cavell St Kilda

Bring banners, signs and costumes for a colourful display through the streets of St Kilda.

This will be followed by a giant mural on the beach that spells out the words


We've marked October 19th as a global Day of Recognition: that radioactive contamination from Fukushima threatens life everywhere.

And it will for generations to come.

We need to begin public discussion of the grave threat we face in the massive amounts of radioactive contamination released into the air and leaking into the sea everyday since three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant exploded in March 2011.

A 4th reactor unit also exploded, exposing a dangerous pool of spent fuel rods in a building that won't withstand another big earthquake. The cores have escaped their containment vessels and the situation at the site has been deteriorating rapidly all summer.

This nuclear crisis is not over.

The invisible dragon of Daiichi is loose, and will be for centuries. It's time to start talking about what this means for the world.

Stand with us on October 19th, in solidarity with the people of Japan. And here at home, let this be the wake up call we've been waiting for. We need to start demanding that our elected officials & agencies do what is necessary to test the water we drink, the air we breathe, the food we eat.

In your heart you know this is important, you know you should do something.

We are all connected by bodies of water and we are mostly made up of water. We have one globally connected ocean and each of us has one body. All life was born in this ocean. She needs our help now. We need her help.

One ocean, One chance.

Join us on this beach, on this day. Help us align a thousand bodies in a message of great urgency:


Join us wherever you are on October 19th. Use any kind of sign, in any language, to cry out with us a message of great urgency:


Visit the ‘Fukushima is Here’ website for information about events taking place around the world.
For information about the Melbourne day of action, visit the ‘Fukushima is Here’ Melbourne Facebook page >

Fukushima Is Here Melbourne Action

Organize an Event at a Beach Near You

Would you like to organize a FUKUSHIMA IS HERE event at a beach or other location near you?

We'd like this to be a global event in as many locations as possible. The contamination from the Fukushima nuclear disaster is spreading across the global. Whereever you are, FUKUSHIMA IS HERE.

Please contact us at to get set up as an organizer.
more: Fukushima Is Here - Organize at a Beach Near You

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