
Sunday, October 13, 2013

10.17 BERKELEY “Fukushima is Here… Now What? A Town Hall Forum”

October 17, 2013
Berkeley Town Hall Meeting

Scientists are saying that Fukushima is here. What does this mean for us, and what can we do about it?
Thursday, October 17, 7:00 pm
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, 1924 Cedar St., @ Bonita, Berkeley (2 blocks North and 3 blocks East of N. Berk. BART)
Presented by BFUU Social Justice Committee, Fukushima Response Network, Codepink Golden Gate, EON, The Ecological Options Network
Sliding scale $5-$10 donation, no one turned away; refreshments served; information, books, videos available at event.
Poster pdf here,
Flyer pdf here
Wondering what’s going on at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant these days, and whether the effects of the reactor meltdown and precarious spent fuel pools have reached California yet? Join us for Speakers and Videos assembled to provide you with up-to-the-minute information and mitigating precautions that we on the West Coast should really start thinking & talking about. Come with your questions and concerns, there will be ample time reserved for Q&A and you will leave with practical understanding and suggested actions to take regarding this critical situation.
Speakers include:
Harvey Wassserman via Skype (
Dr. Carol Wolman (StopFukushimaRadiation petition)
Mary Beth Brangan & James Heddle (EON & Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network)
Steve Zeltzer & Chizu Hamada (NoNukesAction Committee)
Professor Masaki Shimoji (anti-nuclear activist from Osaka Japan)
John Bertucci, Nick Thabit & Holly Harwood (
Brad Newsham, (organizer of the “Fukushima is Here” beach mural)
Vic Sadot (“No Nuke Blues”)
Cynthia Papermaster, Codepink. [Note: Local, state and federal officials are being invited]
Please post and forward widely to lists, groups, friends, family.
Contact:, 510-333-6097
[ Related story on our blog: World Action Now on Fukushima - Harvey Wasserman with petition to sign)

Fukushima is here. Now What? |

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