
Monday, August 5, 2013

8.6 MADISON, WI: Lanterns for Peace Madison

This is a family-friendly event with refreshments, crafts and music. Please join us to remember those who have died in war and to reflect on a peaceful, nuclear weapons-free world.  We'll have a short program at 7:30 pm featuring the national leadership of Veterans for Peace, Mike Reid and Patrick McCann, as they are in Madison for their  "Power to the Peaceful" convention. At dusk, about 8:40 pm, we'll float illuminated lanterns in the Tenney Park Lagoon.  Please join us! Lanterns for Peace is sponsored annually by Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin, Wisconsin Network for Peace & Justice, Veterans for Peace, United Nations Association-Dane County, Pax Christi Madison and Madison Area Peace Coalition.

Lanterns for Peace Madison
Physicians for Social Responsibility

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