
Monday, August 12, 2013

8.20 PHOENIX - Protest Against Canyon Uranium Mine *** CANCELLED ***


via MamaBears AgainstNukes -
Dear all,
Unfortunately, the judge in this case has decided to rule on the injunction against the Canyon uranium mine WITHOUT a public hearing. The court hearing in Phoenix on Tuesday, Aug. 20 has
been canceled!! JUDGE CAMPBELL WILL RULE ON THE WRITTEN DOCUMENTS ALONE, WITHOUT HEARING THE ORAL ARGUMENTS. Please note that we are also canceling the DEMO, since nothing is happening in Phoenix that day. Thanks SO MUCH to everyone who supported the organizing of this event! We do not know when he will issue his ruling. We will keep you posted on developments!

Come Join Us to Protest in Phoenix at the Federal Courthouse to Temporarily Stop the Canyon Uranium Mine! Kaibab National Forest Supervisor Mike Williams illegally allowed Canada-based Energy Fuels to begin digging a uranium mine 15 miles south of the Grand Canyon with no review whatsoever of the 27-year-old Environmental Impact Statement, despite volumes and volumes of new evidence that so-called "low level" radiation from uranium KILLS!

Mike Williams also ignored regulations in the National EnvironmentalProtection Act (NEPA) and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), requiring them to consult with tribes when a sacred area, a traditional cultural property, has been designated, as at Red Butte, and they are ignoring new evidence that the uranium mine will inevitably contaminate the massive aquifer that feeds the Colorado River and its many springs. NEW EVIDENCE PROVES that Radioactive uranium causes cancers, birth defects and DNA mutations. Once released into the environment it goes on radiating whatever it gets into for billions of years - in other words: FOREVER! 

The aquifers on the Navajo Reservation, and creeks within the Grand Canyon National Park, have already been poisoned by past uranium mining. NO MORE! The Colorado River is the lifeblood of the West. The federal court in the person of Judge Campbell will hear oral arguments for an injunction to stop the uranium mine, being brought by the Havasupai Tribe, the Grand Canyon trust, the Sierra Club, and the Center for Biological Diversity. PLEASE SHARE THIS EVENT WITH YOUR FRIENDS!

*** 8.20 PROTEST
Phoenix Protest Against Canyon Uranium Mine
(facebook event page)

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