
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Reactor operators face shareholders

Outside bet: Members of environmental group Greenpeace display a roulette board likening nuclear energy to gambling, while investors walk to Tokyo Electric Power Co's shareholders' meeting in Tokyo on Wednesday. | AFP-JIJI

Reactor operators face shareholders - Utilities shoot down anti-nuclear proposals, push restart of facilities - JAPAN TIMES

KYODO - Utilities, struggling amid the prolonged halt of nearly all of the nation’s nuclear reactors, expressed eagerness to restart their facilities during shareholders meetings Wednesday, shrugging off proposals from some stockholders to halt the country’s reliance on atomic power... Anti-nuclear shareholders proposed scrapping Tepco’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant in Niigata Prefecture, which was not damaged by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. However, Tepco said the complex remained an “important power source,” and that the utility would take measures to improve safety there in an effort to resume operations... Anti-nuclear proposals were submitted at the meetings, including those of Tepco and Shikoku Electric, but all were voted down.

complete article: Reactor operators face shareholders | The Japan Times

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