
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

6.25 SANTA FE NM March & Round Dance - No Uranium Mining! Keep Mt. Taylor Safe! | MamaBears

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(un)Occupy Albuquerque - We are planning to march in Santa Fe June 25th. Gather at 2:30 PM at the Clock Tower 1470 S. St. Francis Dr. in Santa Fe, NM to say NO MORE URANIUM MINING. KEEP SACRED MT. TAYLOR SAFE FROM MINING! We will be marching to the plaza stopping on the way to let those who want to make money on the desecration of sacred places know we say NO! We will be joining the Idle No More event in honor of Leonard Peltier at the plaza at 4PM. Here is the link to that event:

UPDATE 6.24 via MamaBears AgainstNukes: MamaBears AgainstNukes are right now traveling to this event. If you are in New Mexico, come to Santa Fe tomorrow, Tuesday, meet at the clock tower 2.30 @ 1470 st francis dr, march, bring banners. We are bringing banners from Supai and from, who have been fighting for so long against the desecration of the San Francisco Peaks by anthr large corporate interest, Snow Bowel. The same company that wants to dig up more poisonous death dealing uranium at Mt Taylor is already digging for same at the Grand Canyon. Many thanks to those from following organizations that protested and prayed and ate with us Friday, esp thanks to the team making blue corn fry bread, and especial thanks to Shawna and Lorenzo Robbins and all at Save the Confluence. MamaBears AgainstNukes had a rocking good time out there in Cameron yesterday. What the world didnt understand abt that Wallenda higj wire act is that we are all right now on a nuclear tightrope....the people in the uranium areas at Cameron and other places on res cant drink their water anymore....that shd b enough for the nuke industry to end this insanity now....ALL OUT! Marchers! Come to Santa Fe for tomorrow 2 pm, then round dance santa fe plaza 4 pm. Please share this event with ppl in new mexico who might actually go physically!

previous - The Mama Bears Brigade has now set up an anti-uranium mining peace camp near Red Butte/Grand Canyon, AZ to resist Energy Fuels' new uranium mine there, on traditionally sacred lands. We don't need any more Fukushimas! Enough indigenous peoples have been poisoned by uranium mines already! Join us in one of the most beautiful National Parks in the world for free speech and public education on low-level radiation and the nuclear cycle - over two million people visit the Park each summer. On Highway 64 15 miles south of the Grand Canyon National Park between MP 219-220. Korea Electric Power Company is a major stockholder at Canyon Mine, and at the mine at sacred Mt Taylor, near Grants, NM. Energy Fuels is now buying Strathmore, so one giant uranium company is trying to corner the US market because of this year's uranium rush. Help us stop them NOW! No more Fukushimas! No uranium for KEPCO!

see whats up: 6.19-20 Grand Canyon Ban Uranium Mines Gathering In Solidarity With Idle No More
MamaBears AgainstNukes


30 years after the Diablo Canyon Blockade, the Mama Bears Brigade is out of hibernation! We have just set up an anti-uranium mining camp near Red Butte and the Grand Canyon, AZ, where is Toronto-based Energy Fuels Inc. is already digging the first uranium mine on the South Rim since the Orphan closed down in the 1960s. We have a permit until July 16, and we have a permit to do free speech at several locations inside the Grand Canyon National Park, one of the most beautiful places on earth. Energy Fuels is digging the mine in a Traditional Cultural Property, which several local tribes believe is sacred. Red Butte is mentioned in creation stories. Yet Kaibab National Forest gave them the go-ahead with a 27-year-ol Environmental Impact Statement which ignores the requirement to consult with the tribes, and ignores new scientific evidence on low-level radiation and Havasupai freedom of religion. Energy Fuels, a Canadian corporation, is also in the process of buying Strathmore, the uranium company hoping to get more uranium from the Grants area near Mt. Taylor, also a sacred site. The Korean Electricity Production Company (KEPCO), is a major stockholder in both projects. No more Fukushimas! You are invited to come and help us resist Energy Fuels, NOW. The Havasupai Tribe, the Sierra Club, the Center for Biological Diversity and the Grand Canyon Trust are all parties in a recent lawsuit trying to stop them. Litigation has been going on for thirty years, and they are still letting them dig NOW. And over 300,000 people signed a petition to protect the Grand Canyon's watershed from uranium mining, which resulted in the landmark withdrawal of over a million acres from future claims, but doesn't cover old claims. That is why Energy Fuels is digging and desecrating right now. Help us stop them! Camping is primitive, but water, showers and groceries are only a few miles away. Email: or LIKE our Facebook page to get regular updates. No more poisoning of indigenous peoples! The Southwest is not a sacrifice zone!

see also

whats up: 6.19-20 Grand Canyon Ban Uranium Mines Gathering In Solidarity With Idle No More

 Idle No More ROUND DANCE Santa Fe, NM in Solidarity with Leonard Peltier Day

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