
Monday, June 10, 2013

6.19-22 GRAND CANYON Ban Uranium Mines Gathering In Solidarity With Idle No More

PLEASE SHARE! Coming Soon! Now! You are welcome to a three day gathering, June 21-23rd, just south of Grand Canyon National Park, with main gathering happening at dawn June 21st right on Hwy. 64.

We will protest the re-opening of Canyon Uranium Mine on Native sacred lands by praying, bannering, and peacefully demonstrating. This is a call out to all peaceful warriors to come, pray, and decide how to stop the mine.

A base camp has already been set up on Hwy 64, approx. 45 miles north of Williams, AZ (First right after mile marker 219). CALL if possible before arriving! Sometimes we are not there. 928-899-2267.

More camping is available very nearby at the prayer/ceremony site near Red Butte, and also in the high Ponderosas of the National Forest near Canyon Mine itself. Gather now to protect the Grand Canyon, the Colorado Plateau, and the waters, animals, plants and people who live here.

Also on the 21st, the head of the Sierra Club is to meet at 10 am with some of the Havasupai elders, who will be coming up out of the Canyon, at the mine site itself. Red Butte and the Grand Canyon are sacred to several tribes in this region. Energy Fuels must stop digging NOW! Idle No More has called for Friday, June 21st, to be International Indigenous Solidarity Day. Come and help!

This will be our first, opening action and is a three day event. Come prepared for hot days (up to 90) and cool nights (down to 40). Please bring your own water, food, shelter and banner and sign-making materials. We do have some food and some banner-making materials, but will need more.

Base camp will be open through July 2013 for further organizing and actions. We welcome individuals and affinity groups.

Mama Bears Brigade is a feminist collective and is non-violent. We are committed to indigenous/women's leadership. This is a rough camping situation, with no running water, no electricity.

For more info please email us at Last minute info call 928 899-2267 or 706 978-9425. PLEASE SHARE THIS CALL TO ACTION!

A gathering to protest the re-opening of Canyon Uranium Mine on Native sacred lands 10 miles from the south rim of the Grand Canyon National Park. Demonstrate your opposition! A call out to all peaceful warriors to come, pray, decide how to stop the mine. Base camp has already been set up in junipers mp219 hwy 64, plus more camping at prayer/ceremony site near holy Red Butte, plus demo road to mine in Ponderosa pine forest. A call to gather now to protect the Grand Canyon, the Colorado Plateau, and the waters, animals, plants and people who live here. Solstice Day called by Idle No More International Indigenous Solidarity Day, June 21. Banner and sign making June 19 to 20. PLEASE SHARE THIS CALL TO ACTION!
Grand Canyon Ban Uranium Mines Gathering In Solidarity With Idle No More (facebook)


FROM MAMABEARS AGAINST NUKES: Anti Uranium Mining Encampment at South Rim of the Grand Canyon • (un)Occupy Albuquerque

The Mama Bears Brigade affinity group has  set up a protest camp just south of the Canyon Uranium Mine, near the South Rim, on Hwy 64 between MP 219-220. We welcome other affinity groups to come and help us between now and the end of July. Larger gatherings are planned for June 20-23 and July 3-5. We are getting some of the millions of people who go the Grand Canyon National Park to take action, now! The camp is on the Colorado Plateau, on undeveloped land. Dawn prayer fire. Limited spaces available. Temperatures range from 30s at night to 70s in the day right now. Showers/laundry/water/groceries available south 5 miles or north 15 miles. We can pick you up in Flagstaff, AZ and we have a group car. Please come prepared to be as self-sufficient as possible and do warrior work in one of the most beautiful national parks on the planet. Call Wind for more information, 928-899-2267. PLEASE SHARE WITH TRIBAL, WOMENS AND ANTI-NUKE NETWORKS.
Check out Facebook here:

UPDATES | see also

-- please send a protest email ---
Even if you can't come to the Grand Canyon next week for June 21st International Indigenous Solidarity Day, please send a protest email to Toronto-based Energy Fuels, the company currently digging uranium at the Grand Canyon, at: They are desecrating sacred sites in AZ and NM. There will also be a march against Energy Fuels et al in Santa Fe on June 25th. Their main customer is KEPCO - Korean Electricity Production Company. No more Fukushimas! Shut down all nuke power plants - shut down all uranium mines - they kill the children, they warp the DNA of all living beings.

Even if you can't come to the Grand Canyon next week, activists in Toronto please feel free to hang a banner at Energy Fuels' headquarters in Toronto on our behalf, "No Uranium Mining at Grand Canyon!" This company will also soon be trying to dig near Mt Taylor, in NM, another sacred site. There is also a march against Energy Fuels et al in Santa Fe, NM on June 25th. Energy Fuels headquarters is at 2 Toronto St., Suite 500, Toronto, ON M5C 2B6. THANKS!!! Send protest emails to: Their biggest customer is KEPCO, Korean Electricity Production Co - NO MORE FUKUSHIMAS! Stop desecration of sacred lands!

see also:

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